Month: May 2011

CSWS Noon Talk: “The One Laptop Per Child Project in Ghana,” Leslie Steeves

[ May 30, 2012; 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm. ] Jane Grant Rm
330 Hendricks
1408 University St.

“Technology, Gender and Education for Development: The One Laptop Per Child Project in Ghana”

Leslie Steeves, Professor, UO School of Journalism and Communication, will talk about her research and show a clip from her documentary-in-progress.

UO Today #478: Theresa May and Gordon Bettles

UO Today #478: Theresa May and Gordon Bettles
Gordon Bettles
Theresa May
Gordon Bettles, steward of the UO’s Many Nations Longhouse and member of the Klamath tribe, appears with Theresa May, Theatre Arts and codeveloper of the play “Salmon is Everything.” They talk about the importance of salmon to Native culture and the devastating fish kill on the […]

“Vertamae Grosvenor’s Revolutionary Recipes”—Courtney Thorsson

[ May 23, 2012; 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm. ] 330 Hendricks Hall
Jane Grant Room
UO campus
FITF Works-in-Progress Series
“Vertamae Grosvenor’s Revolutionary Recipes”

Abstract: Professor Thorsson will be discussing her work in progress, “Revolutionary Recipes: Foodways and African American Literature.” “Revolutionary Recipes” argues that a group of African American poems, novels, and cookbooks construct race, gender, and class through culinary discourse. Thorsson’s talk will draw from “Vertamae Grosvenor’s […]

“The Tempest, Europe, & Maritime Modernity”—Ania Loomba

[ May 21, 2012; 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. ] Alumni Lounge
Gerlinger Hall
1468 University St.

A free public lecture by Professor Ania Loomba, University of Pennsylvania. Professor Loomba researches and teaches early modern literature, histories of race and colonialism, postcolonial studies, feminist theory, and contemporary Indian literature and culture. She holds the Catherine Bryson Chair in the English Department and is the author of Colonialism/ Postcolonialism and Shakespeare, […]

Sheryl WuDunn: 2011 Lorwin Lecture

“Half the Sky: The Greatest Unexploited Resource in the World Today Isn’t Oil or Gold or Wind. It’s Women.” —Sheryl WuDunn
2011 Lorwin Lectureship on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Erb Memorial Union Ballroom
University of Oregon
Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist Sheryl WuDunn coauthored the influential book Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide.
Slideshow photographs by […]