Fall 2018
- September 24 Race, Ethnicities, and Inequalities Colloquium
“The Invisible #MeToos: The fight to end sexual violence against America’s most vulnerable workers.” Investigative reporter Bernice Yeung. 2 pm Lewis Lounge, Knight Law Center, 1515 Agate. Sponsor: Center for the Study of Women in Society. Information: https://csws.uoregon.edu/yeung/ October 3 Panel Discussion
“Trans* Law: Opportunities and Futures.” Paisley Currah, Professor, Brooklyn College & CUNY and Asaf Orr, Attorney, National Center for Lesbian Rights. Moderator: Beatrice Dohrn, Director, Nonprofit Clinic, UO School of Law. 12 pm Room 110, Knight Law Center, 1515 Agate. Sponsor: Center for the Study of Women in Society. Information: https://csws.uoregon.edu/trans-law-panel/- October 9 Welcome Reception
New Women Faculty. 4 – 5:30 pm Gerlinger Lounge. Sponsor: Center for the Study of Women in Society. Information: https://csws.uoregon.edu/reception-new-women-faculty/ - October 17 Lecture
“Written/Unwritten: On the Promise and Limits of Diversity and Inclusion.” Patricia Matthew, Montclair State University. 3:30 pm, EMU 230, Swindells Room. Sponsor: Center for the Study of Women in Society. Information: https://csws.uoregon.edu/matthew/ - October 25 Lecture
“Surviving State Terror: Women’s Testimonies of Repression and Resistance in Argentina.” Barbara Sutton, University at Albany, SUNY, 12:30 pm Gerlinger Lounge. - November 30 Lecture
“Gender and Climate Change.” Joane Nagel, University of Kansas. 12 pm Knight Law School, Room 175. Sponsored by the Center for the Study of Women in Society. Information: https://csws.uoregon.edu/nagel/
Winter 2019
- January 30 – February 1 Common Reading Program: Author Thi Bui. “The Best We Could Do.”For more information, visit: commonreading.uoregon.edu
—January 30, 5:30-8pm, Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, Artist Reception and Book Signing featuring Thi Bui
—January 31, (Time TBD) Ford Alumni Center Guistina Ballroom, Thi Bui Public Conversation with Dr. Tuong Vu (Political Science) and Dr. Lynn Fujiwara (Ethnic Studies)
—February 1, 11am-Noon, Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art Ford Lecture Hall, Live reading of The Best We Could Do with Thi Bui. Followed by Q&A.
—February 1, TBD, Teaching Engagement Program, Faculty Workshop on Engaging Comics in the Classroom. Facilitated by Thi Bui. - February 11–12 Allyship Trainings: Attorney Janée Woods
Many Nations Longhouse. 1630 Columbia St. 8:30 am – 1 pm on 2/11/19. 9 am – 3 pm on 2/12/19. Must pre-register. - February 27 Public Lecture
“Why Aren’t There More Black People in Oregon?: A Hidden History.” Author Walidah Imarisha. Public Lecture: Feb. 27. 4 pm – 5:30 pm, Straub Hall, Room 156. - March 7 Race, Ethnicities, and Inequalities Colloquium
“Facing the Dragon.” Christen Smith, University Texas, Austin. 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm. Location: TBD
Spring 2019
- April 25 Acker-Morgen Lecture
“Masculinity and Capitalism: A Brief History of the Rise and Fall of a Foundational Relationship.” Raka Ray, University of California, Berkeley. Ford Lecture Hall, JSMA. - May 9 Queer Studies Lecture
“Convergence, Dissymmetry, Duplicity: Enactments of Queer of Color Critique in the Era of Administrative Violence.” Chandan Reddy, University of Washington. Time & location TBD.