2017 Affiliate Publications

British Romanticism and the Literature of Human Interest
by Mai-Lin Cheng
Bucknell University Press
(co-published with Rowman & LIttlefield)
Bucknell’s Series in Transits: Literature, Thought & Culture, 1650–1850
December 2017, 206 pages

Publisher’s synopsis

Mai-Lin Cheng is an assistant professor of literature, Robert D. Clark Honors College, University of Oregon.


The Life of Paper: Letters and a Poetics of Living Beyond Captivity
by Sharon Luk
University of California Press
November 2017
328 pages

Publisher’s synopsis

Sharon Luk is an assistant professor, Department of Ethnic Studies, University of Oregon. She received a 2015-16 CSWS Faculty Research Grant in support of the research for this book.


Care Across Generations: Solidarity and Sacrifice in Transnational Families
by Kristin Yarris
Stanford University Press
August 2017
216 pages

Publisher’s Synopsis

Kristin Yarris is an assistant professor of international studies at the University of Oregon and a member of the Narrative Health and Social Justice Research Interest Group.


How Development Projects Persist: EverydayNegotiations with Guatemalan NGOs
by Erin Beck
Duke University Press
May 2017
280 pages

Publisher’s Synopsis

Erin Beck is an assistant professor of political science at the University of Oregon and a member of the Américas Research Interest Group.


Marriage Vows and Racial Choices
by Jessica Vasquez-Tokos
Russell Sage Foundation
February 2017
388 pages

Publisher’s Synopsis

Jessica Vasquez-Tokos is an associate professor, UO Department of Sociology.


Development Drowned and Reborn: The Blues and Bourbon Restorations in Post-Katrina New Orleans
by Clyde Woods; edited by Jordan T. Camp and Laura Pulido 

University of Georgia Press, 2017 
376 pages

Publisher’s synopsis

Laura Pulido is professor and head of the Department of Ethnic Studies.


Kohnjehr Woman
by Ana-Maurine Lara
Redbone Press
August 2017
73 pages

From the Publisher

Ana-Maurine Lara, Ph.D., is a national award-winning poet and fiction writer and an assistant professor of anthropology at the University of Oregon.


Introducing Japanese Popular Culture
edited by by Alisa Freedman and Toby Slade
December 2017
550 pages

Publisher’ synopsis

Alisa Freedman is an associate professor of Japanese Literature & Film in the Department of East Asian Languages & Literatures.



Special Issue: New Takes on Gender and Development

edited by Erin Beck
Studies in Comparative International Development. 52 (2). 

This special issue was the product of a conference on globalization, gender, and development that Erin Beck organized in 2014 at the University of Oregon. Erin Beck is an assistant professor of political science at UO.


Somos la Cara de Oaxaca

by Lynn Stephen

CIESAS, 2017

368 pages

Publisher’s synopsis

Lynn Stephen is professor of anthropology at the University of Oregon.