Jenée Wilde has a PhD in English with a folklore emphasis, a graduate certificate in women’s and gender studies, an MFA in creative nonfiction writing, and a BA in English and journalism. As a journalist, Jenée wrote news and feature stories for newspapers and magazines for more than a decade. As a researcher, her specialty areas include speculative fiction, gender and sexuality studies, queer theory, cultural studies, cinema studies, folklore, and comics studies. Her doctoral dissertation, “Speculative Fictions, Bisexual Lives: Changing Frameworks of Sexual Desire,”investigates bisexuality in science fiction texts and fan communities to argue for a radical shift in how we conceive of sexual knowledge. As a senior instructor in the Department of English, Jenée teaches courses in science fiction film, literature, and comics as well as research writing and advanced composition. She is co-chair of the English Diversity Committee and co-facilitator of the CSWS Inclusive Pedagogies Research Interest Group. Her academic publications include “Gay, Queer or Dimensional? Modes of Reading Bisexuality on Torchwood,” in Journal of Bisexuality 15.3; “Dimensional Sexuality: Exploring New Frameworks for Bisexual Desires,” in Sexual and Relationship Therapy 29.3; and “Queer Matters in The Dark Night Returns, Or Why We Insist on a Sexual Identity for Batman,” in Riddle Me This Batman! Essays from the Universe of the Dark Knight (2011). Her current writing projects include research articles analyzing science fiction film through queer and transgender theory as well as personal essays that combine experimental critical writing with her own experiences as a person with disability and non-binary gender and bisexual identities.