Author: alicee

CSWS Research Matters Spring 2014: Erin Beck

Spring 2014 CSWS Research Matters:
“In Guatemala: Everyday Practices and Experiences of Development through Women’s Eyes,” by Erin Beck, Assistant Professor, University of Oregon Department of Political Science
Political science professor Erin Beck’s ethnographic study of women in Guatemala who are enrolled in programs of non-governmental organizations with contrasting styles shows that “development is an emergent process […]

Courtney Thorsson Wins 2014 Early Career Award

Courtney Thorsson
June 10, 2014—UO Research Excellence Awards announced | Oregon Research.
Courtney Thorsson, assistant professor of English and a CSWS faculty affiliate, is one of two University of Oregon faculty to receive a 2014 Early Career Award. CSWS supported Professor Thorsson’s foodways and literature research with a 2012 CSWS Faculty Research Award. She is the author […]

Running from Peril, Chasing Hope: Central American Children and the Refugee Crisis

[ December 3, 2014; 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm. ] Ford Alumni Center
1720 E. 13th Ave.
UO campus

A symposium to start a dialogue, grow awareness, and plan for action

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2:00–4:00 P.M. Plenary Session featuring local experts and faculty members who will lead a discussion of the complex issues surrounding immigration policy and its impact on children and families
4:30–6:30 P.M. Featured Speakers: Julie Lopez, journalist […]

Louise Bishop receives Herman Faculty Achievement Award

Louise Bishop
June 9, 2014—Bishop, Blackwell receive Herman Faculty Achievement Awards | Around the O.
Louise Bishop, associate professor of literature in the Robert D. Clark Honors College, received a Thomas F. Herman Faculty Achievement Award for Distinguished Teaching. A long-time CSWS faculty affiliate and former member of the advisory board, Bishop has been at the UO […]

“The Longest Unwritten Chapter”: Interrelated Histories of African and Native America

[ November 21, 2014; 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm. ] Knight Library
Browsing Room
1501 Kincaid St.

Department of Ethnic Studies presents
Peggy Pascoe Memorial Lecture
Professor Tiya Miles—“The Longest Unwritten Chapter”: Interrelated Histories of African and Native America

Professor Tiya Miles is the Elsa Barkley Brown Collegiate Professor of African American Women’s History in the Department of American Cultures at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Her research and creative […]

Brazilian Documentary: Two lectures by visiting scholar Gilberto Alexandre Sobrinho

[ November 17, 2014; 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. November 19, 2014; 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. ] 221 Allen Hall
1020 University St.
UO campus

Brazilian Video Documentary
The Latin American Studies program is bringing Brazilian scholar Gilberto Alexandre Sobrinho to give two lectures on November 17 and November 19, both at 6PM at 221 Allen Hall. The talks are titled “National Identity during the Military Dictatorship in Brazil: Documentaries and Travels,” and “Women, Videos and […]