Category: Academic

Elizabeth Armstrong, “Sex, Alcohol, & Violence: How Status Competition Creates Risk”

[ April 21, 2016; 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. ] Ford Alumni Center
Giustina Ballroom
1720 E. 13th Ave.
UO campus
PDF flyer

College professor Elizabeth A. Armstrong spent five years inhabiting a dorm room on the Indiana University campus while studying the party culture that dominates student social life. In a public lecture titled “Sex, Alcohol, and Violence: How Status Competition Creates Risk,” Dr. Armstrong will talk about what […]

Sara Hodges takes leadership post in UO Graduate School

Sara Hodges
June 29, 2015—Sara Hodges, professor in the UO Department of Psychology and a CSWS faculty affiliate, is the new associate dean of the UO Graduate School.
“Hodges has served as director of graduate studies in psychology and was a member of the Graduate Council. She will work on new program development in the Graduate School, […]

Susan C. Anderson to be senior vice provost in Academic Affairs

Susan C. Anderson
CSWS faculty affiliate Susan C. Anderson, a professor in the Department of German and Scandinavian, has been chosen as the new senior vice provost in Academic Affairs.
June 26, 2015—“Susan C. Anderson has been selected as the new senior vice provost for Academic Affairs, according to an announcement from the Office of the Provost. […]

High-level administrative positions at other universities await two long-time CSWS affiliates

Barbara Altmann
Two long-time CSWS affiliates will be leaving the University of Oregon at the end of AY 2014-15 for high-level administrative positions at other universities.
Frances Bronet
Frances Bronet, UO’s acting provost and senior vice president, recently accepted the role of provost and senior vice president for academic affairs at the Illinois Institute of Technology.
Barbara Altmann, UO’s […]

Ellen Herman named new Faculty Codirector of the Wayne Morse Center

Editor’s Note: Professor Ellen Herman is a long-time CSWS faculty affiliate.
Ellen Herman
June 1, 2015—The Office of Academic Affairs is pleased to announce that Professor Ellen Herman will be the new Faculty Codirector of the Wayne Morse Center for Law and Politics. Professor Herman is currently Chair of the Department of History and will begin her […]

UO Today #595 guest: Michael Hames-García

Watch this videotaped interview with the director of the UO Center for the Study of Women in Society (CSWS). Michael Hames-García, professor in the Department of Ethnic Studies, talks about his role as the first male director of CSWS. In addition he discusses his research on race and incarceration in the U.S., gender and sexuality, and theories […]