Category: Awards

Mary Rothbart honored for her career in personality psychology

Mary K. Rothbart
Mary Rothbart honored for her career in personality psychology | Around the O.
Mary K. Rothbart, professor emerita of psychology at the University of Oregon, has won the 2014 Block Award from the Society of Personality and Social Psychology. The award is the society’s principal recognition for research accomplishment in the field of personality […]

Le Guin Feminist Science Fiction Fellowship: An Interview with 2014 Fellow Kathryn Allan

Kathryn Allan (l) chats with Jenée Wilde, then-CSWS development GTF, at the CSWS 40th Anniversary Celebration in Nov. 2013 / photo by Jack Liu.
Editor’s Note: The deadline for the 2014-15 Le Guin Feminist Science Fiction Fellowship is September 5, 2014. This interview appears in the 2014 CSWS Annual Review.

“‘The Other Lives’—Locating Dis/Ability in Utopian Feminist […]

Carol Stabile Completes Her Term as Director, CSWS

Carol Stabile
July 1, 2014—Carol Stabile, professor, University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication and Department of Women’s and Gender Studies, has completed her six-year term as director of the Center for the Study of Women in Society.
Now on sabbatical, she is working on her book project, “Pink Channels: Women and the Broadcast Blacklist.” Professor […]

Courtney Thorsson Wins 2014 Early Career Award

Courtney Thorsson
June 10, 2014—UO Research Excellence Awards announced | Oregon Research.
Courtney Thorsson, assistant professor of English and a CSWS faculty affiliate, is one of two University of Oregon faculty to receive a 2014 Early Career Award. CSWS supported Professor Thorsson’s foodways and literature research with a 2012 CSWS Faculty Research Award. She is the author […]

Louise Bishop receives Herman Faculty Achievement Award

Louise Bishop
June 9, 2014—Bishop, Blackwell receive Herman Faculty Achievement Awards | Around the O.
Louise Bishop, associate professor of literature in the Robert D. Clark Honors College, received a Thomas F. Herman Faculty Achievement Award for Distinguished Teaching. A long-time CSWS faculty affiliate and former member of the advisory board, Bishop has been at the UO […]