Category: Faculty affiliates

2015 CSWS Annual Review now available

2015 CSWS Annual Review
If you are on our mailing list as a CSWS faculty affiliate, research interest group member, supporter, contributor, or UO administrator, the 2015 CSWS Annual Review should soon be arriving in your mailbox. You can also access this 28-page publication online now.
2015 CSWS Annual Review Contents

“Facing Up to Institutional Betrayal,” by Michael […]

LANDLINES: A public performance by poet Ana-Maurine Lara

[ August 22, 2015; August 23, 2015; ] [caption id="attachment_20646" align="alignright" width="166"] Ana-Maurine Lara[/caption]

Eugene, OR—On Saturday August 22 and Sunday August 23, 2015, Ana-Maurine Lara, winner of the Oregon Arts Commission Joan Shipley Award, will perform LANDLINES, a public event exploring the ideas home and homeland in Eugene. The Sephardic Jewish notion of kasa inspires two public processions that reflect on what home […]

UO historian cited as part of Supreme Court ruling on marriage equality

Ellen Herman
CSWS faculty affiliate Ellen Herman, professor and head of the UO Department of History, was cited as part of the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling on marriage equality.
July 6, 2015—“Ellen Herman had a busy day when the Supreme Court ruled about marriage equality because she and colleagues had a hand to play in it.
“As […]

Sara Hodges takes leadership post in UO Graduate School

Sara Hodges
June 29, 2015—Sara Hodges, professor in the UO Department of Psychology and a CSWS faculty affiliate, is the new associate dean of the UO Graduate School.
“Hodges has served as director of graduate studies in psychology and was a member of the Graduate Council. She will work on new program development in the Graduate School, […]

Susan C. Anderson to be senior vice provost in Academic Affairs

Susan C. Anderson
CSWS faculty affiliate Susan C. Anderson, a professor in the Department of German and Scandinavian, has been chosen as the new senior vice provost in Academic Affairs.
June 26, 2015—“Susan C. Anderson has been selected as the new senior vice provost for Academic Affairs, according to an announcement from the Office of the Provost. […]

Science article features Geri Richmond’s efforts to remove career barriers | Around the O

Editor’s Note: Professor Geraldine Richmond is a CSWS faculty affiliate.
Source: Science article features Geri Richmond’s efforts to remove career barriers | Around the O
June 26, 2015—UO Presidential Chair Geri Richmond is front and center in a feature article in the journal Science about efforts to break down obstacles facing women and minorities when they pursue […]