Category: Publications

Le Guin Feminist Science Fiction Fellowship: An Interview with 2014 Fellow Kathryn Allan

Kathryn Allan (l) chats with Jenée Wilde, then-CSWS development GTF, at the CSWS 40th Anniversary Celebration in Nov. 2013 / photo by Jack Liu.
Editor’s Note: The deadline for the 2014-15 Le Guin Feminist Science Fiction Fellowship is September 5, 2014. This interview appears in the 2014 CSWS Annual Review.

“‘The Other Lives’—Locating Dis/Ability in Utopian Feminist […]

Fembot’s August 2014 Books Aren’t Dead Interview: Monster Culture in the 21st Century

Fembot’s Books Aren’t Dead (BAD) interview for August 2014 is now uploaded on the Fembot website. In this month’s interview Mark McCarthy (doctoral candidate at University of South Florida) talks with Marina Levina (assistant professor, University of Memphis) and Diem-My Bui (clinical assistant professor, University of Illinois-Chicago), editors of Monster Culture in the 21st Century: […]

Ada Issue 5: Queer Feminist Media Praxis is now online

July 10, 2014—Fembot, a CSWS Special Project, announces the release of its latest edition of Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology. Issue 5: Queer Feminist Media Praxis, was edited by Aristea Fotoupolo, Kate O’Riordan, and Alexandra Juhasz.
Also: The Ada site has a new design. As always, the emphasis has been on accessibility. Fembot […]

FEMBOT: Ada, Issue 7, Open Call CFP

Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology |  Issue 7, February 2015
Ada is a publication of Fembot, which is a special project of the UO Center for the Study of Women in Society.
Editors: Carol Stabile (University of Oregon) and Radhika Gajjala (Bowling Green State University). We invite contributions to a peer-reviewed open […]

CSWS Research Matters Spring 2014: Erin Beck

Spring 2014 CSWS Research Matters:
“In Guatemala: Everyday Practices and Experiences of Development through Women’s Eyes,” by Erin Beck, Assistant Professor, University of Oregon Department of Political Science
Political science professor Erin Beck’s ethnographic study of women in Guatemala who are enrolled in programs of non-governmental organizations with contrasting styles shows that “development is an emergent process […]

Courtney Thorsson Wins 2014 Early Career Award

Courtney Thorsson
June 10, 2014—UO Research Excellence Awards announced | Oregon Research.
Courtney Thorsson, assistant professor of English and a CSWS faculty affiliate, is one of two University of Oregon faculty to receive a 2014 Early Career Award. CSWS supported Professor Thorsson’s foodways and literature research with a 2012 CSWS Faculty Research Award. She is the author […]