Category: Publications

Publishing Roundtable in Latino/a, Latin American Studies, and Gender

[ June 5, 2014; 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm. ] Hendricks 330
Jane Grant Room
1408 University St.

For junior faculty associated with the Center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies (CLLAS), Latin American Studies, Ethnic Studies, and the CSWS Américas Research Interest Group

CLLAS will host a publishing roundtable where junior faculty can hear from senior faculty on their publishing experience and gain advice in Latino/Latin American Studies and […]

Women’s Work: Nationalism and Contemporary African American Women’s Novels—Courtney Thorsson

Women’s Work: Nationalism and Contemporary African American Women’s Novels
a new book by Courtney Thorsson
Courtney Thorsson is an assistant professor of English at the University of Oregon and a CSWS faculty affiliate. Her book, published by the University of Virginia Press in June 2013, is now available from the publisher and other outlets. The publisher is offering […]

Coming to Life: Philosophies of Pregnancy, Childbirth and Mothering—a new book edited by Sarah LaChance Adams and Caroline Lundquist

Coming to Life: Philosophies of Pregnancy, Childbirth and Mothering
edited by Sarah LaChance Adams and Caroline Lundquist
Fordham University Press
November 2012
424 pages
A book that grew out of a 2009 conference that received substantial support from CSWS has been published by Fordham University Press. Coming to Life: Philosophies of Pregnancy, Childbirth and Mothering, was edited by Sarah LaChance […]

UO Today #545: Evie Shockley | University of Oregon Video

UO Today #545: Evie Shockley | University of Oregon Video
This interview with poet and scholar Evie Shockley took place during her visit to UO to participate in the April 2013 symposium “Racial Representations: African American Literature since 1975,” organized by Courtney Thorsson, UO assistant professor of English.

CSWS Women of Color Project Writing Workshop

[ May 23, 2014; 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. ] [caption id="attachment_19315" align="alignright" width="120"] Kerry Ann Rockquemore[/caption]

Jane Grant Conference Room
330 Hendricks Hall
1408 University St.
Writing, Procrastination, and Resistance: How to Identify Your Funk and Move Through It
All CSWS affiliates are invited to the workshop lead by Kerry Ann Rockquemore, President and CEO, National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity. The workshop is Writing, Procrastination, and Resistance: […]

“Women in War: The Case of El Salvador,” with Jocelyn Viterna

[ May 15, 2014; 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm. ] [caption id="attachment_18817" align="alignright" width="160"] Jocelyn Viterna[/caption]

Lawrence 166
1190 Franklin Blvd
UO campus
Flyer PDF

Waging war has historically been an almost exclusively male endeavor. Yet over the past several decades, women have joined insurgent armies in significant and surprising numbers. Why do women become guerrilla insurgents? What experiences do they have in guerrilla armies? What are the consequences of […]