Category: Research

Anjali Arondekar—“Telling Tales: Sexuality’s Fictions”

[ March 3, 2015; 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm. ] Knight Library
Browsing Room
1501 Kincaid St.

Anjali Arondekar is an associate professor of Feminist Studies and Literature, University of California, Santa Cruz. Her research engages the poetics and politics of sexuality, geopolitics and historiography. Her first book, For the Record: On Sexuality and the Colonial Archive in India (Duke University Press, 2009), won the 2010 Alan Bray […]

A Dialogue about Surveys, Services, and Sanctions: Sexual Assault on Campus

[ March 3, 2015; 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. ] UO Living Learning Center
Performance Hall
1455-75 E. 15th

Mary Koss, PhD, was coeditor of a two-book series for the American Psychological Association, Violence Against Women and Children (2011). Her first national study on acquaintance rape was published in 1987,
and she developed the most frequently used survey to measure unwanted sexual experiences. Her current projects include developing risk […]

Opening of “Recipe: The Kitchen and Laboratory in the West, 1400-2000”

[ April 22, 2014; 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm. ] Browsing Room
Knight Library
1501 Kincaid St.
UO campus

Please consider yourselves warmly invited to the opening of “Recipe: The Kitchen and Laboratory in the West, 1400-2000,” an exhibition of rare books and ephemera in the collections of the UO Special Collections and University Archives (SCUA) in Knight Library.

The exhibit covers 600 years of documenting the practice of experimentation […]

Faculty Workshop: “Researching Human Rights in Latin America: Challenges, Resources, and Strategies”

[ February 24, 2015; 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm. ] Erb Memorial Union (EMU)
Metolius Room
UO campus

Rebecca Atencio, assistant professor of Spanish & Portuguese in the Roger Thayer Stone Center for Latin American Studies at Tulane University,  will offer a faculty workshop titled “Researching Human Rights in Latin America: Challenges, Resources, and Strategies” on February 24, 2015, from noon to 1:30 pm. EMU Metolius Room. Professor […]

Margaret Jacobs, “Remembering the Forgotten Child: the Indigenous Welfare Crisis of the 1960s-1970s”

[ February 24, 2015; 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. ] [caption id="attachment_21456" align="alignright" width="150"] Margaret Jacobs[/caption]

Knight Library
Browsing Room
1501 Kincaid St.

Margaret Jacobs, Chancellor’s Professor of History at the University of Nebraska, will present a public lecture at the University of Oregon on Tuesday, February 24, from 3-5 p.m. in the Knight Library Browsing Room. It will be titled: “Remembering the Forgotten Child: the Indigenous Welfare Crisis […]

Official and Other Truths: Memories of Dictatorship in the Wake of Brazil’s National Truth Commission

[ February 23, 2015; 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm. ] Gerlinger Hall
Alumni Lounge
1468 University St.

Rebecca Atencio, assistant professor of Spanish & Portuguese in the Roger Thayer Stone Center For Latin American Studies at Tulane University, will give a public lecture titled “Official and Other Truths: Memories of Dictatorship in the Wake of Brazil’s National Truth Commission.” Professor Atencio is the author of Memory’s Turn: Reckoning […]