Category: Research

“Moving Forward with the Legal Empowerment of Women in Pakistan”—Special Report by Anita Weiss for the U.S. Institute of Peace

May 1, 2012—The United States Institute of Peace issued “Moving Forward with the Legal Empowerment of Women in Pakistan,” Special Report 305,  by Anita M. Weiss, professor and head of the University of Oregon Department of International Studies and vice president of the American Institute of Pakistan Studies.
About the Report
There are a variety of contexts […]

“Silenced—Women and the Broadcast Blacklist”: an article about the research of CSWS director Carol Stabile

CASCADE: UO College of Arts and Sciences.
Professor Carol Stabile’s research looks at some of the female artists whose careers were all but obliterated after their names appeared in the notorious book, Red Channels.
An article by Patricia Hickson and Lisa Raleigh in Cascade magazine, Spring 2012, p. 5 (published by the UO College of Arts and […]

Romani Routes, a new book by Carol Silverman

Romani Routes: Cultural Politics and Balkan Music in Diaspora
by Carol Silverman, professor and department head, UO Department of Anthropology
(Oxford University Press, 2012)
Over the past two decades, a steady stream of recordings, videos, feature films, festivals, and concerts has presented the music of Balkan Gypsies, or Roma, to Western audiences, who have greeted them with exceptional […]

UO Symposium on African American Literature Featured Outstanding Scholars

Left to right: Emily Lordi, Courtney Thorsson, Salamishah Tillet, Jennifer Williams, Eve Dunbar (photo by Chelsea Bullock)
March 2, 2012—More than a hundred students, faculty and community members attended the symposium “Place and Displacement in African American Literature,” which took place in the Browsing Room of the UO Knight Library on March 2. Courtney Thorsson, a […]

The Taormino-OSU Case Study: a pedagogical tool

A Pedagogical Case Study of the Keynote-Speaker Controversy at Oregon State University’s Modern Sex Conference
by Lacey Mamak, MLIS, February 2012
This pedagogical case study is designed to stimulate discussion in undergraduate and graduate courses in higher education and student affairs administration, women’s studies, intellectual freedom, and related subjects. The case involves the invitation of sex educator […]

Visiting Criminologist Examines Feminicide and Gender Violence along the U.S.-Mexico Border in UO Talk

Dr. Bejarano
February 28, 2012—Speaking “first and foremost as a social activist,” New Mexico criminologist and university professor Cynthia Bejarano examined the unsolved murders of girls and women in the region of Ciudad Juárez-El Paso before a gathering of more than 80 students and faculty at the UO Knight Library. Bejarano showed images of some of […]