Category: Women’s Rights

Science article features Geri Richmond’s efforts to remove career barriers | Around the O

Editor’s Note: Professor Geraldine Richmond is a CSWS faculty affiliate.
Source: Science article features Geri Richmond’s efforts to remove career barriers | Around the O
June 26, 2015—UO Presidential Chair Geri Richmond is front and center in a feature article in the journal Science about efforts to break down obstacles facing women and minorities when they pursue […]

Michelle McKinley wins the Ligia Parra Jahn Award

Michelle McKinley
UO law professor and CSWS affiliate Michelle McKinley is the 2014 winner of the Ligia Parra Jahn Award. This award is given for the best publication (book or article) on women’s history or publication written by a woman and published in 2014 that began as a Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies (RMCLAS) […]

UO Law Professor Michelle McKinley Awarded a 2015 Fulbright Fellowship

Michelle McKinley
March 31, 2015—Michelle McKinley, an associate professor in the University of Oregon School of Law and a long-time faculty affiliate and board member of the UO Center for the Study of Women in Society, has been named a 2015 Fulbright Fellow. This prestigious fellowship will support the expansion of McKinley’s work on Hispanic urban […]

CSWS Research Matters Winter 2015: Yvonne Braun, “Networking for Women’s Rights: Transnational Feminist Organizing in Southern Africa”

Winter 2015 CSWS Research Matters:
“Networking for Women’s Rights: Transnational Feminist Organizing in Southern Africa,” by Yvonne A. Braun, Director of African Studies; Associate Professor, University of Oregon, Departments of Women’s and Gender Studies and International Studies
This CSWS-supported study examines the communication network of more than 100 women’s rights and advocacy organizations in southern Africa. […]

micha cárdenas, “Shifting Poetics: Trans of Color Movement in Digital Media”

[ February 24, 2016; 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm. ]



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Shifting Poetics: Trans of Color Movement in Digital Media, with micha cárdenas

After unprecedented visibility for trans women of color in 2014, the number of murders of trans women more than doubled in 2015. In this talk, cárdenas elaborates a trans of color poetics that can […]