CSWS Events

April 15, 2009
noon to 1:00, 330 Hendricks Hall, UO

Why Indians Do Not Kiss: Conjugality, Nationalism and Film Form in Hindi Cinema, Sangita Gopal, assistant professor, English. This presentation will examine the disappearance of the kiss from the Indian screen in the context of colonial censorship, modernity, nationalism and cinema’s publicness in the first decade of the sound film in Hindi. Part of the Wednesday at Noon Series.

Nelson-flyer-3April 27, 2009
12:00 – 1:30 pm, Walnut Room, Erb Memorial Union, University of Oregon

Healing East and West: a Dialogue on Buddhism, Judaism, and Psychotherapy in this Historical Moment … a Conversation

Professor Mark Unno, a specialist in classical Japanese Buddhism who has also published two edited volumes on Buddhism and psychotherapy, and Dr. Jonathan Seidel, a scholar of classical Judaism and Jewish mysticism, will discuss the current interface of these ancient religious traditions with psychotherapy. The focus of the intersection is how they contribute to our understanding of the mind-body problem and the healing of our suffering especially in this particular moment in history (the current economic crisis and global economic situation which is affecting millions) which is fraught with suffering caused by schisms that divide not only mind and body, but spirit and matter, self and other. They will also explore the role of gender in the paradigms of healing.

For flyer go to: http://www.uoregon.edu/~healarts/events/current.html#Buddha
Sponsored by the CSWS Healing Arts Research Interest Group

April 29, 2009
noon to 1:00, 330 Hendricks Hall, UO

From War to Hurricane Katrina: Women’s Untold Stories, Gennie Thi Nguyen
Part of the Wednesday at Noon Series.

May 13, 2009
noon to 1:00, 330 Hendricks Hall, UO

Forests and Women’s Lives: Locating Rural Women’s Power in the Context of Natural Resource Access in Mozambique, Ingrid Nelson, Geography.
Part of the Wednesday at Noon Series.

May 28, 2009
3:30 p.m., Knight Law Building, Room 110 (on Agate St.), University of Oregon
Reception follows

Making Rights a Reality – website launch event

For more information contact “csws (at) uoregon.edu” (541) 346-5015
Sponsored by the CSWS Americas RIG and several UO departments