University Resources:
Brown University Women Writers Project
“The Brown University Women Writers Project is a long-term research project devoted to early modern women’s writing and electronic text encoding. Our goal is to bring texts by pre-Victorian women writers out of the archive and make them accessible to a wide audience of teachers, students, scholars, and the general reader. We support research on women’s writing, text encoding, and the role of electronic texts in teaching and scholarship.”
Clayman Institute for Gender Research, Stanford University
“The institute created Gender News at Stanford to promote the 200 faculty affiliates and their work on gender. Our goal is to have their work accessible and having impact on the public debate. I hope you’ll take a moment to view our news service, and I hope the articles will be of interest to you.” It’s at: “Gender News.” Lori Nishiura Mackenzie, Associate Director
Center for the Study of Women in Society Videos, publications
Many CSWS events are recorded on audio and/or video tapes or DVDs. To access the complete listing of more than 274 CSWS related items (including publications), go to the Knight Library Under “keyword” search for “University of Oregon, Center for the Study of Women in Society.” All CSWS-related items should appear with that search criteria.
Feminist Research Methods
University of Oregon Knight Library’s Feminist Research Methods page provides an excellent list of research resources on and off campus.
Women and Social Movements in the United States 1600-2000
The library has purchased permanent access to “Women and Social Movements in the United States,” and it’s available to us now. This link works from on campus:
(ACLS) American Council of Learned Societies
ACLS Fellowship competitions:
Feminist Majority Foundation
Half the Sky Movement
“Half the Sky lays out an agenda for the world’s women and three major abuses: sex trafficking and forced prostitution; gender-based violence including honor killings and mass rape; maternal mortality, which needlessly claims one woman a minute. We know there are many worthy causes competing for attention in the world. We focus on this one because this kind of oppression feels transcendent, and so does the opportunity. Outsiders can truly make a difference.” (from the website). Also a book by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn: Half the Sky.
Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR)
#1 Pay Equity and Discrimination publications
#2 Designing Work-Family Policies for Families, Employers, and Gender Equity: Lessons from the U.S. and Around the Globe: recorded 9/16/2010. The video is available for viewing at
#3 Social Security Media Watch Project (by IWPR)
#4 IWPR Research News Reporter
Feminist Majority Foundation
National Council for Research on Women
CSWS is a member of the National Council for Research on Women which “ a network of more than 100 leading U.S. research, advocacy, and policy centers with a growing global reach. The Council harnesses the resources for its network to ensure fully informed debate, policies, and practices to build a more inclusive and equitable world for women and girls.”
National Women’s Study Association
Keynote address by Angela Davis for the NWSA 30th Annual Conference, Difficult Dialogues, November 2009.
United States Institute for Peace
Special Report 305 (May 2012) “Moving Forward with the Legal Empowerment of Women in Pakistan,” by Anita M. Weiss, professor and head of the UO Department of International Studies and vice president of the American Institute of Pakistan Studies. Professor Weiss is a long-time CSWS associate.
Women Only Drug Rehab Centers
Online Films or Symposiums
BBRG PRESENTS: Annual Keynote Talk – Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak Situating Feminism
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, University Professor and Director of the Center for Comparative Literature and Society, Columbia University—This presentation will attempt to situate feminism geographically, in terms of the triumph of the Euro-specific (even Anglo-specific) model, in terms of the history of both of Marxism and Capitalism. It will trace feminisms itinerary through both coloniality and globalization. It will also attempt to situate feminism historically in terms of the provenance of what we at radical U.S. universities call feminism and see how it reflects on the development of mobility among women in terms of not only capital but also the great engines of world governance. Organized by: The Beatrice Bain Research Group
Gruber Foundation: Women’s Rights Prize Video for 2010 with discussions – Sexual and Reproductive Rights as Women’s Human Rights, a symposium with Nancy Northup and Norma Enrquez. moderated by Carol Jenkins.
Not for Ourselves Alone:
The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony – explore the women’s movement with this PBS special.
Jewish Women’s Archive
Click on “Stories” for an array of exhibits and information about Jewish women in history. For “Jewish Women and the Feminist Revolution” go to:
National Women’s History Project: 2010 Writing Women Back into History
Abigail Scott Duniway: A Study in Perseverance
International Women’s Day
This site has the history of International Women’s Day.
From the website: “WomenWatch is the central gateway to information and resources on the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women throughout the United Nations system…”
A Lane County Legal Services Program: The Stop Violence Against Women Clinic Project
A Pedagogical Case Study of the Keynote-Speaker Controversy at Oregon State University’s Modern Sex Conference
by Lacey Mamak, MLIS, February 2012