February 20, 2015 | ||
3:00 pm | to | 5:00 pm |
Museum of Natural and Cultural History
1680 E 15th Ave.
Eugene, OR
The UO Department of Romance Languages and the Museum of Natural and Cultural History invite you to a reading and book signing by acclaimed Canadian writer Louise Dupré. A major figure in contemporary Quebec literature, Dupré is the author of Plus haut que les flammes, a volume of poetry written after her visit to the sites of former concentration camps in Europe, and L’Album multicolore, a poetic memoir published in 2014.
Dupré will read selections of her poetry and prose, both in the original French and in English translation. The event is free and open to the public and light refreshments will be served.
Cosponsors include the Center for the Study of Women in Society; the UO Departments of Romance Languages, Comparative Literature, Women’s and Gender Studies, and English; Comparative Literature journal; the Oregon Humanities Center; the Translation Studies Working Group (Global Oregon); the UNESCO Crossings Institute; and the Office of the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.