2007 CSWS Research Awards

Courtney Smith (back row, center) in the small town where she conducted much of her research while supported by CSWS funding.
Jane Grant Dissertation Fellowship:
Courtney P. Smith, graduate student, political science, $7,500 for AY 2007-08, “Politics of the Marked Body: An Examination of Female Genital Cutting and Breast Implantation.”
Laurel Research Award:
Yossa Vidal-Collados, graduate student, Romance languages, $2250 for AY 2007-08, “Family and the State in the New Generation of Chilean Women Writers.” Her advisor and mentor, Juan Armando Epple, professor, Romance languages, will receive up to $250.
Research Support Grants – Graduate Students:
Shannon Elizabeth Bell, graduate student, sociology, $2106, “Feminism and the Fight against King Coal: Re-building Social Capital in the West Virginia Coalfields.”
Gina Bolles, graduate student, dance, $2485, “Experiential Research on Women and Dance in India.”
Gwendolyn Lowes, graduate student, linguistics, $2500, “Women’s Speech in Ghutan: a Sociolinguistic study of Kurtoep.”
Emily Taylor Meyers, graduate student, comparative literature, $2485, “Transnational Romance: The Politics of Desire in Caribbean Novels by Women.”
Kathleen Ryan, graduate student, journalism and communication, $2,500, “When Flags Flew High: Propaganda, Memory and Oral History for World War II Female Veterans.”
Lara Skinner, graduate student, sociology, $2493, “Urban Sustainability: Social Equality.”
Britta Torgrimson, graduate student, human physiology, $2500, “Hormone Exposure, Contraceptive Choices, and Vascular Function in Women.”
Research Support Grants – Faculty:
Tina Boscha, research analyst and instructor, intoCareers and education, $6000, “River in the Sea” (a novel in progress).
Melissa Hart, adjunct instructor, journalism and communication, $4568, “Confessions of a Queerspawn: Stories of a Mother Lost and Found.”
Gabriela Martinez, assistant professor, journalism and communication, $5378, “Women, Media and Rebellion in Oaxaca.”
Karen McPherson, associate professor, Romance languages, $8,460, “Realizing Life: Reflections on Aging in the Works of Contemporary Francophone Women Writers.”
Ellen McWhirter, associate professor, counseling psychology and human services, $5996, “Latina girls’ perceived barriers, supports, and future expectations.”
Ann Tedards, associate professor, music, $5457, “Concert Tour of Songs by Women Composers on Texts by Women Authors with an Emphasis on Libby Larsen.”