2015 CSWS Research Grant and Fellowship Awardees

2015-16 Jane Grant Dissertation Fellowship
  • Iván Sandoval Cervantes, a PhD candidate in the Department of Anthropology, was awarded the prestigious Jane Grant Dissertation Fellowship and is the first male to receive this award. His dissertation topic is “The Intersections of Transnational and Internal Indigenous Migration: Gender, Kinship, and Care.” Sandoval’s project is based on more than twenty months of multi-sited ethnographic fieldwork with the community of Zegache in Zegache, Oaxaca; Mexico City; and Salem, Oregon. Sandoval wrote in his abstract: “While most of the studies of migration focus either on transnational or internal migration, this project looks at the intersections of transnational and internal migrations through gender, kinship, and care relations. In the indigenous Zapotec community of Zegache, men and women migrate differently. Gendered migration is informed by the different kinship and care responsibilities that women (as mothers, sisters, and daughters) have as caretakers while men (as fathers, brothers and sons) are seen as the ‘breadwinners.’ By taking into account how gender roles inform different gendered migrations while, at the same time, redefining gender roles, this project shows how women’s internal migration often allows men’s transnational movements.”

Graduate Student Research Awards

Faculty Grant Awardees

Giustina Endowment for Research on Women in the Northwest

Funds for two of the award winners come from a separate endowment, the Mazie Giustina Endowment for Research on Women in the Northwest. Both are listed among the faculty grant awardees but are singled out here to emphasize the significance of the Giustina Endowment, which has funded research projects through CSWS since 1995. These include: 1) Alisa Freedman, who is launching a new book on Japanese women who traveled to the United States for study in the 1950s and 1960s with the support of GARIOA and Fulbright fellowships—many of whom were students at University of Oregon—and became professors, translators, authors, and even university chancellors; and 2) Elizabeth Wheeler, whose research project will constitute a book chapter and focuses on a Pacific Northwest woman writer-artist whose work challenges dominant paradigms of disability and environmental studies.