2016 CSWS Jane Grant Fellowship and Graduate and Faculty Grant Awardees

2016-17 Jane Grant Dissertation Fellowship
  • Baran Germen

    Baran Germen

    Baran Germen, Department of Comparative Literature. “Melodramatics of Turkish Modernity: Narratives of Gendered Victimhood, Affect, and Politics.” Graduate teaching fellow Baran Germen was chosen from a strong pool of applicants to receive the prestigious Jane Grant Dissertation Fellowship.Germen holds a master’s degree from Istanbul Bilgi University and is working toward a doctorate in comparative literature. The dissertation, “Melodramatics of Turkish Modernity: Narratives of Gendered Victimhood, Affect, and Politics,” offers a historical account of the “rhetorical gendered violence that underlies the disturbing rise of gendered violence in Turkish society.” Germen undertakes a genealogical approach across media to provide an analytical framework for melodramatic aesthetics and politics by following “narratives of victimhood that traverse literature, film, and song lyrics, and infiltrate political discourse.“

2016-17 Graduate Student Research Awards
2016-17 Faculty Research Awards