Asian American Feminisms and Women of Color Politics
Edited by Lynn Fujiwara and Shireen Roshanravan
University of Washington Press
December 2018, 320 pages
Lynn Fujiwara is associate professor, Department of Ethnic Studies, at the University of Oregon.
Defiant Indigeneity: The Politics of Hawaiian Performance
by Stephanie “Lani” Teves
University of North Carolina Press
April 2018, 240 pages
Stephanie “Lani” Teves is an assistant professor, Department of Ethnic Studies, University of Oregon.
When We Love Someone We Sing to Them
by Ernesto Martínez
Reflections Press
Fall 2018
32 pages
From the publisher: When We Love Someone We Sing to Them reframes a cultural tradition to include LGBTQ experience. In this book we learn about the Mexican tradition of singing to family and loved ones through one small boy who naturally assumes the tradition includes him and his experience.
Ernesto Martínez is an associate professor in the Department of Ethnic Studies. Also in the works is a movie to accompany this book.
Livestock: Food, Fiber, and Friends
by Erin McKenna
University of Georgia Press
March 2018, 264 pages
Erin McKenna is a professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Oregon.
A Capsule Aesthetic: Feminist Materialisms in New Media Art
by Kate Mondloch
University of Minnesota Press, 2018
Kate Mondloch is a professor and department head of the Department of the History of Art & Architecture.
Seeing Species: Re-presentations of Animals in Media & Popular Culture
by Debra L. Merskin
Peter Lang, 2018
Debra L. Merskin is a professor in the School of Journalism and Communications.
Philosophy of Race: An Introduction
by Naomi Zack
Palgrave Macmillan, 2018; 258 pages
Series: Palgrave Philosophy Today
Naomi Zack is a professor in the Department of Philosophy.
Heidegger’s Poietic Writings: From Contributions to Philosophy to The Event
by Daniela Vallega-Neu
Indiana University Press
March 2018
Series: Studies in Continental Thought
Daniela Vallega-Neu is an associate professor in the Department of Philosophy.

Reviving the Social Compact: Inclusive Citizenship in an Age of Extreme Politics
by Naomi Zack
Rowman & LIttlefield
November 2018, 208 pages
Series: Explorations in Contemporary Social-Political Philosophy
Publisher’s Synopsis
Naomi Zack is a professor in the Department of Philosophy.