Women in the Northwest

Women in Northwest Initiative

Women in Northwest Initiative

Former UO President Dave Frohnmayer with the late Mazie Giustina, whose endowment helps fund the CSWS research initiative Women in the Northwest.

In fall 1992, CSWS began its research initiative Women in the Northwest (WNW), originally envisioned as a five-year project to promote and spotlight research on women’s lives in the Pacific Northwest. A series on Welfare and Policy was among the publications that came out of this project.

CSWS received a second large private gift in 1997 for $100,000 from Mazie Giustina, specifically endowing more work on women in the Northwest. Because of this expansion, a core group of researchers—largely from the social sciences, history, and the professional schools—developed ongoing research that linked theoretical, substantive, and policy concerns about women, work, families, economic restructuring, social policy, politics, and the law.

The Mazie Giustina gift continues to provide funding for research projects related to women in the Northwest, including: