Tag: UO

When it comes to gender identity, inclusion is more than using the right pronoun | Opinion

Pictured is Varun Chaudhry.

This opinion piece is written by V Varun Chaudhry, a scholar-in-residence at the Leeway Foundation, an anthropology PhD candidate at Northwestern University, and a predoctoral fellow in the Center for the Study of Women in Society at the University of Oregon.
When it comes to gender identity, inclusion is more than using the right pronoun | […]

Sharon Luk wins a book prize from ASA

Pictured is Sharon Luk.

Annual Awards Ceremony / American Studies Association
October 23, 2018—“The American Studies Association has awarded the 2018 Lora Romero First Book Publication Prize to Sharon Luk, The Life of Paper: Letters and a Poetics of Living Beyond Captivity (University of California Press). 
“According to the committee, ‘a theoretically sharp, elegantly written, and deeply moving work of scholarship, The Life of […]

New Directions in Black Feminist Studies: A Speaker Series

Mireille Miller-Young
UC Santa Barbara
Friday, Oct. 19, 2018
Gerlinger Lounge, 12 p.m.
Black Feminism, Labor, Sex Work
Emily A. Owens
Brown University
Thursday, Dec. 6, 2018
EMU 145–Crater Lake South, 12 p.m.
Sexuality, Slavery, Affect
Ethnic Studies Speaker, Peggy Pascoe Memorial Lecture
Erica R. Edwards
Thursday, Feb. 7, 2019
EMU 145–Crater Lake South, 12 p.m.
Feminism, Internationalism, State Power
Jennifer C. Nash
Thursday, Apr. 18, 2019
EMU 145–Crater Lake South, 12 […]

Priscilla Yamin new head of WGSS

Pictured is Priscilla Yamin.

Congratulations to Priscilla Yamin, associate professor in the Department of Political Science, now the newly named department head of the Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies.
Yamin is also a member of the CSWS Advisory Board. She is the author of American Marriage: A Political Institution (University of Pennsylvania Press, Fall 2012).
Yamin holds a PhD […]

Lesbian Oral History Project to become part of UO collections

Judith Raiskin (l) and Linda Long

Editor’s Note: CSWS is supporting this research through a CSWS Faculty Research Grant, with funds from the Mazie Giustina Endowment for Research on Women in the Northwest.
September 10, 2018 (reprinted from Around the O)—The history of Eugene’s lesbian community from the 1960s through the 1990s will be kept alive through video interviews and archival documents […]

Upcoming showcase features Michelle McKinley and other Williams Fund Fellows

Pictured is Michelle Mckinley.

[ November 7, 2018; 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. ] Erb Memorial Union
Crater Lake North

Williams Fund Showcase will share innovations in teaching

from Around the O / October, 26, 2018—Every year, the Williams Fund recognizes faculty members from across campus for their insightful approaches to undergraduate teaching.

An upcoming showcase will feature a panel of Williams Fund fellows and instructional grant recipients who will share insights and […]