Tag: UO

2018 CSWS Acker-Morgen Lecture: Rhacel Salazar Parreñas

Pictured is Racel Parrenas.

[ March 7, 2018; 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm. ] Change of location!
Gerlinger Alumni Lounge
Gerlinger Hall
1468 University St.
UO campus

“The Gendered Organization of Migrant Domestic Work”

Rhacel Salazar Parreñas, professor of sociology and gender studies at the University of Southern California, will deliver the 2018 CSWS Acker-Morgen Lecture. Dr. Parreñas “is an ethnographer whose research examines experiences of migrant workers from the Philippines. Her earlier works examined […]

Professors Kristin Yarris & Rhacel Parrenas to discuss Yarris’s recent book

Pictured is Kristin Yarris.

[ March 7, 2018; 10:30 am to 11:30 am. ] Jane Grant Conference Room
330 Hendricks Hall
1408 University St.
UO campus

Please mark your calendars March 7 at 10:30 am for a discussion of Professor Kristin Yarris’s book, Care Across Generations: Solidarity and Sacrifice in Transnational Families, published by Stanford University Press.

This will be a discussion between Professor Rhacel Parrenas, visiting from the University of Southern California, and Professor […]

CLLAS Symposium “Justice Across Borders: Gender, Race and Migration in the Americas”

Pictured is a historic map of North America and the West Indies.

[ March 8, 2018; ] Events take place at:
Knight Library, Browsing Room
and Gerlinger Lounge
Time: 9 am to 7:30 pm
Free & open to the public

For the full schedule, go to: “Justice Across Borders: Gender, Race and Migration in the Americas”

Our thematic line of inquiry this year: America, Bridge Between Oceans poses the following questions: What happens when we put the Atlantic world […]

Sarah Seo: “Policing Everyman: How Cars Transformed American Freedom”

Pictured is Sarah Seo.

[ March 12, 2018; 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm. ] Knight Law Center
Lewis Lounge, 1515 Agate St.
UO campus
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Race, Ethnicities, and Inequalities Colloquium
“Policing Everyman: How Cars Transformed American Freedom”

Speaker: Sarah A. Seo, Associate Professor, University of Iowa College of Law

This discussion will focus on a chapter from Professor Seo’s forthcoming book, Policing Everyman: How Cars Transformed American Freedom (Harvard University Press, 2018). Policing Everyman […]

Deadline coming up January 29 for CSWS Research Grant Proposals

Gabriela Martínez (right) interviewing Araceli Padilla, news anchor at Channel 9

[ January 29, 2018; 5:00 pm; ] Grant guidelines and applications can be accessed online.

The Center for the Study of Women in Society maintains a number of competitive grant programs to support research and/or creative work on women and gender from a range of disciplines. CSWS research grants are available to University of Oregon faculty, staff (with the appropriate end degrees), and […]

Khiara Bridges: The Poverty of Privacy Rights

Pictured is Khiara Bridges.

[ February 15, 2018; 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm. ] Lewis Lounge
Knight Law Center
1515 Agate St.
UO campus
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Inaugural Lecture: Race, Ethnicities, and Inequalities Colloquium

Khiara Bridges teaches at Boston University with a joint appointment in the School of Law and the Anthropology Department.


Camisha Russell, Assistant Professor, UO Department of Philosophy
Ellen Scott, Professor, UO Department of Sociology

Sponsored by the Office of the Provost and […]