Tag: UO

Anjali Arondekar—“Telling Tales: Sexuality’s Fictions”

[ March 3, 2015; 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm. ] Knight Library
Browsing Room
1501 Kincaid St.

Anjali Arondekar is an associate professor of Feminist Studies and Literature, University of California, Santa Cruz. Her research engages the poetics and politics of sexuality, geopolitics and historiography. Her first book, For the Record: On Sexuality and the Colonial Archive in India (Duke University Press, 2009), won the 2010 Alan Bray […]

Margaret Jacobs, “Remembering the Forgotten Child: the Indigenous Welfare Crisis of the 1960s-1970s”

[ February 24, 2015; 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. ] [caption id="attachment_21456" align="alignright" width="150"] Margaret Jacobs[/caption]

Knight Library
Browsing Room
1501 Kincaid St.

Margaret Jacobs, Chancellor’s Professor of History at the University of Nebraska, will present a public lecture at the University of Oregon on Tuesday, February 24, from 3-5 p.m. in the Knight Library Browsing Room. It will be titled: “Remembering the Forgotten Child: the Indigenous Welfare Crisis […]

Michael Messner: “Male Allies, and the Politics of Feminist Accountability”

[ February 23, 2015; 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm. ] Prince Lucien Campbell Hall
(PLC), Rm 714
UO campus

Michael Messner, professor of sociology, University of Southern California, will be the featured speaker for the UO Department of Sociology’s Winter Colloquium #6. He will speak on the subject of “Male Allies, and the Politics of Feminist Accountability.” Messner published most recently Some men: Feminist allies and the movement to […]

Ileana Rodríguez-Silva: “Gender and Class in the Silencing of Race in Puerto Rico”

[ February 6, 2015; 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm. ] Browsing Room, Knight Library
1501 Kincaid St.   printable flyer
Public Talk

Ileana M. Rodríguez-Silva is an associate professor of Latin American and Caribbean history at the University of Washington, Department of History. She earned her B.A. at the Universidad de Puerto Rico – Rio Piedras and her M.A. and Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Rodriguez-Silva is the […]

CSWS Noon Talk: Megan Burke, “Heterosexuality, Sexual Violence and the Temporality of Femininity”

[ January 21, 2015; 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm. ] Jane Grant Rm
330 Hendricks
1408 University
printable flyer
“Heterosexuality, Sexual Violence and the Temporality of Femininity”
PhD candidate Megan Burke (philosophy) will give a lunch-time talk related to her dissertation research. This talk will examine the way in which sexual violence is integral to the production and lived experience of gendered subjectivity by focusing on the philosophical question of […]

CSWS Faculty Affiliate Bonnie Mann Named as Williams Fellow

Bonnie Mann Named 2013-14 Williams Fellow
From AroundtheO, May 24, 2013—Bonnie Mann, UO associate professor of philosophy and a CSWS faculty affiliate, is one of two UO faculty members designated as a Williams Fellow for 2013-14.
University of Oregon President Michael Gottfredson announced his acceptance on May 24 of the formal recommendations of the Williams Council for […]