Author: alicee

Jennifer Burns Levin Interviewed on UO Today

UO Today week of April 23, 2012:
CSWS faculty affiliate and Food in the Field RIG coordinator Jennifer Burns Levin (Literature, Clark Honors College) discusses her interests in James Joyce, Modernist literature, and food studies. She is a co-host on KLCC’s “Food for Thought” and blogs at Culinaria Eugenius. Watch it online.
Eugene schedule:
Channel 23-Wednesday 8 p.m.; […]

UO Symposium on African American Literature Featured Outstanding Scholars

Left to right: Emily Lordi, Courtney Thorsson, Salamishah Tillet, Jennifer Williams, Eve Dunbar (photo by Chelsea Bullock)
March 2, 2012—More than a hundred students, faculty and community members attended the symposium “Place and Displacement in African American Literature,” which took place in the Browsing Room of the UO Knight Library on March 2. Courtney Thorsson, a […]

The Taormino-OSU Case Study: a pedagogical tool

A Pedagogical Case Study of the Keynote-Speaker Controversy at Oregon State University’s Modern Sex Conference
by Lacey Mamak, MLIS, February 2012
This pedagogical case study is designed to stimulate discussion in undergraduate and graduate courses in higher education and student affairs administration, women’s studies, intellectual freedom, and related subjects. The case involves the invitation of sex educator […]

Visiting Criminologist Examines Feminicide and Gender Violence along the U.S.-Mexico Border in UO Talk

Dr. Bejarano
February 28, 2012—Speaking “first and foremost as a social activist,” New Mexico criminologist and university professor Cynthia Bejarano examined the unsolved murders of girls and women in the region of Ciudad Juárez-El Paso before a gathering of more than 80 students and faculty at the UO Knight Library. Bejarano showed images of some of […]

McKinley Receives 2012 ACLS Fellowship

Professor Michelle McKinley
February 21, 2012—University of Oregon associate professor Michelle McKinley, School of Law, has been awarded a prestigious American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Fellowship.
McKinley’s fellowship will support her continued work on the book manuscript “Fractional Freedoms: Slavery, Legal Activism and Ecclesiastical Courts, 1589-1700.” The UO Center for the Study of Women in Society […]

Krista M. Chronister: Partner Violence and Girls’ Educational and Vocational Development

CSWS Research Matter, Winter 2012
Partner Violence and Girls’ Educational and Vocational Development:
In-depth interviews reveal a broad range of violence against girls—with far-reaching and enduring effects
by Krista M. Chronister, associate professor, College of Education, Counseling Psychology Program
“National data show that nearly 10 percent of adolescents reported physical violence from a dating partner in the previous […]