Author: alicee

Tokyo in Transit—Alisa Freedman

Tokyo in Transit: Japanese Culture on the Rails and Road
by Alisa Freedman
(Stanford University Press, 2010)
Alisa Freedman is an assistant professor of Japanese Literature and Film in the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures at the University of Oregon. A faculty affiliate with the Center for the Study of Women in Society, she also offers […]

Business Girls & Two-Job Wives—Jane Marcellus

Business Girls & Two-Job Wives: Emerging Media Stereotypes of Employed Women
by Jane Marcellus
(Hampton Press, October 2010)
Jane Marcellus is an associate professor at Middle Tennessee State University and a graduate of the University of Oregon. She was awarded a CSWS Graduate Student Research Grant in 2002 for research on “Women, Work and Femininity: Representation of Female […]

“Sin Miedo: Violence, Mobility, and Identity in el Paso del Norte”—René Kladzyk

[ December 6, 2011; 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm. ] [caption id="attachment_11646" align="alignright" width="184" caption="Wall of Black Marker bar, El Paso, Texas"][/caption]

Condon Hall
Room 360
UO campus
CSWS and CLLAS grantee master’s thesis presentation:
René Kladzyk, Geography Department

Together, the cities El Paso, Texas, and Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, form the largest international border metropolis in the world. While El Paso consistently ranks among the safest cities in the United […]

Book Release: Daniel HoSang

[ December 2, 2010; 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm. ] Gerlinger Alumni Lounge
1468 University St.
University of Oregon campus

Book release event for Daniel HoSang’s new work, Racial Propositions. Refreshments will be served.

Daniel HoSang is assistant professor of ethnic studies and political science at the University of Oregon and a CSWS faculty affiliate. HoSang received faculty grant support from CSWS in 2009 for his research project “Reproductive […]

Media, Minorities, and Meaning: A Critical Introduction—Debra Merskin

Media, Minorities, and Meaning: A Critical Introduction
Merskin, D. (2010), New York: Peter Lang.
ISBN 978-1-4331-1140-2 pb.
US-$ 49.95
Order online:
Debra L. Merskin is associate professor of Communication Studies in the School of Journalism & Communication at the University of Oregon and a CSWS faculty affiliate.
Publisher’s book synopsis:
This book is an examination of how American mass media, […]

The S-Word: Discourse, Stereotypes, and the American Indian Woman

The S-Word: Discourse, Stereotypes, and the American Indian Woman
a paper by Debra L. Merskin, Associate Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, University of Oregon
Online publication date: 19 November 2010, Howard Journal of Communications
The Center for the Study of Women in Society at the University of Oregon provided support in the form of a Faculty Research Grant […]