Author: alicee

CSWS Grantee Jennifer Erickson Interviewed

Jennifer Erickson (second from left) with women from the South Sudan Women’s Empowerment Network in Juba, South Sudan, August 2008. The group was visiting the grave of fallen hero and former President of South Sudan, Dr. John Garang.
“What happens when white, ethnically Muslim refugees from a once-strong paternalist, socialist state like Bosnia-Herzegovina come to the […]

Celebrating Research by Women of Color

[ June 4, 2010; 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. ] Place: Gerlinger Alumni Lounge

This event will honor University of Oregon women of color faculty whose articles and books were published from 2008 – 2010.

Sponsored by the Center for the Study of Women in Society’s Women of Color Project.

Attendance by invitation; RSVPs requested.

Contact: Shirley Marc, Office and Events Coordinator


CSWS Celebrates Research by Women of Color Faculty

Lynn Fujiwara (left), Dayo Nicole Mitchell, and Russell Tomlin (photo by Jack Liu).
June 4, 2010—Sixteen University of Oregon women of color faculty whose books and journal articles were published in the past two years were honored by the Center for the Study of Women in Society at an event held on the UO campus.
The women […]

Feminist Technology

“Teaching Feminist Technology Design” by Frances Bronet and Linda L. Layne is the title of a chapter (Ch 7: p. 179) in the newly released book Feminist Technology. Frances Bronet is dean of the School of Architecture and Allied Arts, University of Oregon.
Feminist Technology, edited by Linda Layne, Sharra Vostral, and Kate Boyer, was published […]

Michelle McKinley: CSWS Research Matters Spring 2010

UO law professor Michelle McKinley
UO law professor Michelle McKinley’s paper “Illicit Intimacies and Fractional Freedoms: Slavery, Legal Activism and Ecclesiastical Courts in Colonial Lima” is now available online in the Spring 2010 issue of CSWS Research Matters. CSWS supported McKinley’s work with a 2009 Faculty Research Grant.
“My work situates enslaved women as legal agents who […]

Men, Women, Muxe: Mexico’s Third Gender

CSWS Executive Committee member Lynn Stephen recently appeared on the CNN program “Men, Women, Muxe” in the series “The World’s Untold Stories.” Stephen—director of the University of Oregon’s Center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies (CLLAS) and distinguished professor of anthropology and ethnic studies—provided background and commentary on the Muxes of Juchitán, Oaxaca. The Muxes […]