Category: Academic

The 2019 Faculty Research Awards go to 24 UO scholars

Editor’s Note: Six feminist scholars are among those who will receive OVPRI’s 2019 Faculty Research Awards. They are Sangita Gopal, Deborah Green, Jocelyn Hollander, Lamia Karim, Judith Raiskin, and Lesley Jo Weaver.

From Around the O, April 8 — UO researchers and scholars examining everything from mapping the Internet to women filmmaking in India to the […]

Priscilla Peña Ovalle named 2019 president-elect for SCMS

Pictured is Priscilla Ovalle.

March 21 – Priscilla Peña Ovalle, associate professor and department head in the Department of Cinema Studies, has been chosen as the 2019 president-elect for the Society for Cinema and Media Studies. SCMS seeks to further media study within higher education and serves as a resource.

Priscilla Peña Ovalle

A long-time CSWS faculty affiliate, Ovalle is the author of the […]

Four UO graduate students awarded CSWS Travel Grants

February 19, 2019—The Center for the Study of Women in Society selected four UO graduate students—Quinn Akina, Tara Keegan, Maggie Newton, and Carla Osorio-Veliz—as the recipients of our 2018-19 CSWS Travel Grants. All four will be presenting papers at conferences and will receive $300 each to support their travel expenses.

Quinn Akina, a graduate employee in […]

CSWS End-of-Year Celebration

CSWS affiliates chat at the end of year celebration.

[ May 28, 2019; 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm. ]
Redwood RoomErb Memorial Union1222 E. 13th Ave.UO campus

The Center for the Study of Women in Society invites you to an end-of-year celebration.

Come to close out the academic year, congratulate our newly promoted colleagues, new books and prizes, and wish bon voyage to those departing for other shores.

Light refreshments will be served

Queering Teacher Education Curriculum authors win an article of the year award

Nov. 9 – Three University of Oregon faculty members in the College of Education’s education studies earned the 2018 Francis P. Hunkins Article of the Year Award from the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum. Jerry Rosiek, Alison Schmitke and Julie Heffeman wrote “Queering Teacher Education Curriculum: A Case Study of Lessons Learned in the […]

What It Means To Be a Black Latina in Higher Education

Pictured is Alaí Reyes-Santos.

What It Means To Be a Black Latina in Higher Education
by Alaí Reyes-Santos, Associate Professor, UO Department of Ethnic Studies
posted in Hip Latina, October 20, 2018
“I have been asserting my blackness since I can remember.
“Growing up in the mountains of Puerto Rico, my curls —‘pelo malo,’as friends called it—betrayed my family’s attempts to claim whiteness […]