Category: People

Le Guin Feminist Science Fiction Fellowship: An Interview with 2014 Fellow Kathryn Allan

Kathryn Allan (l) chats with Jenée Wilde, then-CSWS development GTF, at the CSWS 40th Anniversary Celebration in Nov. 2013 / photo by Jack Liu.
Editor’s Note: The deadline for the 2014-15 Le Guin Feminist Science Fiction Fellowship is September 5, 2014. This interview appears in the 2014 CSWS Annual Review.

“‘The Other Lives’—Locating Dis/Ability in Utopian Feminist […]

Gabriela Martinez, “Collective Memory: The Role of Media Makers”

[ February 4, 2015; 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm. ] [caption id="attachment_21414" align="alignright" width="170"] Gabriela Martinez[/caption]

141 Allen Hall
1020 University St.
UO campus

“Collective Memory: The Role of Media Makers”

A public lecture by Gabriela Martínez, 2014-15 Wayne Morse Resident Scholar and associate professor at the School of Journalism and Communication at the University of Oregon. Dr. Martínez is also the associate director of the Center for the Study […]

Native Studies Research Colloquium: Theresa May, “Native Theater/Drama and Environmental Justice”

[ November 10, 2014; 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm. ] [caption id="attachment_20441" align="alignright" width="187"] Theresa May[/caption]

Many Nations Longhouse
1630 Columbia St.
UO campus
Free & open to the public
(Bring Your Own Lunch)
“Native Theater/Drama and Environmental Justice”
a talk by Dr. Theresa May, associate professor, UO Department of Theatre Arts

Professor Theresa May’s research and creative work draws connections between theatre and performance, community and environmental justice. Her recent book, Salmon […]

New Women Faculty Reception

[ October 7, 2014; 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. ] Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art
1430 Johnson Lane
UO campus

Sponsored by the UO Office of Academic Affairs and the Center for the Study of Women in Society

“Nature in Doubt: Intersex in a Chemical Era,” with Tyrone Hayes, Elizabeth Reis, and Kari Norgaard

[ October 24, 2014; 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. ] 250 Clinical Services
901 E. 18th
UO campus
PANEL: “Nature in Doubt: Intersex in a Chemical Era”
Professor Tyrone Hayes will participate on a panel with CSWS advisory board member Elizabeth Reis, professor and head, UO Department of Women’s and Gender Studies, concerning the implications of his work in the field of gender studies. Kari Norgaard, professor, UO Department […]