Category: People

Former CSWS Grant Recipient Makes WAVES

Editor’s Update: Homefront Heroines reached its funding goal on June 29
June 2011—Kathleen M. Ryan, Ph.D., received a CSWS graduate student research grant in 2007 while working on her doctorate in the University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication. Her project, “When Flags Flew High: Propaganda, Memory and Oral History for World War II Female […]

CSWS Faculty Affiliates Win Awards

The Center for the Study of Women in Society honors its faculty affiliates who are among those named as University of Oregon Award Winners 2010–11.
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National Academy of Sciences
Geraldine “Geri” Richmond, chemistry
Fulbright Fellow
Stephen Wooten, anthropology, African studies and international studies
Thomas F. Herman Awards for Distinguished Teaching
Barbara Altmann, Romance languages
Ersted Award for Distinguished […]

Jane Grant Fellowship Awardee Wins Additional Honors

The Center for the Study of Women in Society honors 2010 Jane Grant Dissertation Fellowship awardee Ingrid Nelson, geography, who in 2010-11 received these additional awards:

Fulbright Fellowship, Fulbright Commission
Society of Woman Geographers Evelyn L. Pruitt National Fellowship for Dissertation Research

CSWS Noon Talk: “The One Laptop Per Child Project in Ghana,” Leslie Steeves

[ May 30, 2012; 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm. ] Jane Grant Rm
330 Hendricks
1408 University St.

“Technology, Gender and Education for Development: The One Laptop Per Child Project in Ghana”

Leslie Steeves, Professor, UO School of Journalism and Communication, will talk about her research and show a clip from her documentary-in-progress.

CSWS Northwest Women Writers Symposium presents: MemoirFest

[ May 12, 2012; 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. ] Gerlinger Hall
Alumni Lounge
1468 University
UO campus map

MemoirFest program
You’re invited to MemoirFest, an all-day symposium on women writers and memoir. MemoirFest will feature presentations and panel discussions by Debra Gwartney, Crystal Williams, Lidia Yuknavitch, Lauren Kessler, Margarita Donnelly, Elizabeth Reis, and Dominick Vetri. Registered participants are invited to take part in roundtable discussions with the panelists on […]

The Register-Guard BOOK NOTES: Readings, events, workshops, etc.

BOOK NOTES: Readings, events, workshops, etc..
UO professor’s book looks at problems of microfinance
The dark side of microfinance is explored in a new book by Lamia Karim, the associate director of the University of Oregon’s Center for the Study of Women in Society.
“Microfinance and Its Discontents: Women in Debt in Bangladesh” offers a […]