Category: Books

Our Caribbean Kin: Race and Nation in the Neoliberal Antilles—a new book by Alaí Reyes-Santos

The research for this new book by Alaí Reyes-Santos, assistant professor, Department of Ethnic Studies, was supported in part by a CSWS Faculty Research Grant.
Our Caribbean Kin: Race and Nation in the Neoliberal Antilles, by Alaí Reyes-Santos
(Rutgers University Press, November 2014) 232 pages
Publisher’s synopsis
“Beset by the forces of European colonialism, US imperialism, and neoliberalism, the […]

CSWS Announces 2014-15 Le Guin Feminist Science Fiction Fellows

Professor Jennifer Rea
November 13, 2014—A classics professor and a PhD candidate in English, both from southeastern U.S. universities, have been named as recipients of the second annual Le Guin Feminist Science Fiction Fellowship. Professor Jennifer Rea is an associate professor of classics at the University of Florida in Gainesville. Andrew Ferguson is a PhD candidate […]

Fembot’s November 2014 BAD Interview: Asian American Women’s Popular Literature

November 15, 2014—Fembot’s Books Aren’t Dead (BAD) interview for November 2014 is now uploaded on the Fembot website.
In this month’s interview, Kelly Adams (PhD candidate, University of Wisconsin-Madison) talks with Pamela Thoma (associate professor, Washington State University), author of Asian American Women’s Popular Literature: Feminizing Genres and Neoliberal Belonging (Temple University Press, 2014).
You can listen […]

Fembot BAD Interview: Gendering the Recession

Books Aren’t Dead (BAD) interview for October 2014 is now uploaded on the Fembot website. In this month’s interview Lauren DeCarvalho (assistant professor, University of Arkansas) talks with Diane Negra (professor, University College Dublin) and Yvonne Tasker (professor, University of East Anglia), coeditors of Gendering the Recession: Media and Culture in the Age of Austerity […]

The Truly Diverse Faculty: New Dialogues in American Higher Education, a new book coedited by Ernesto Martínez

The Truly Diverse Faculty: New Dialogues in American Higher Education
coedited by Stephanie Fryberg and Ernesto Javier Martínez (Palgrave MacMillan, October 2014, 320 pp)
Publisher’s synopsis
“Many universities in the twenty-first century claim ‘diversity’ as a core value, but fall short in transforming institutional practices. The disparity between what universities claim as a value and what they accomplish […]

Interpreting Islam, Modernity, and Women’s Rights in Pakistan — a new book by Anita Weiss

Interpreting Islam, Modernity, and Women’s Rights in Pakistan (Palgrave Macmillan, October 2014) is the latest book by Anita M. Weiss, professor and head, UO Department of International Studies. Professor Weiss is a long-time CSWS faculty affiliate.
Publisher’s synopsis
“In Pakistan, myriad constituencies are grappling with reinterpreting women’s rights. This book analyzes the Government of Pakistan’s construction of […]