Category: Publications

2017 CSWS Annual Review now available online

Publishing for the first time via, CSWS is proud to share with you our 2017 CSWS Annual Review, which includes an interview with the inimitable Cherríe Moraga, a review of last year’s main events, articles about CSWS-supported research written by faculty and graduate students, news of honors and awards among our faculty affiliates, and […]

Kristin Yarris Publishes “Care Across Generations Solidarity and Sacrifice in Transnational Families”

Assistant Professor of International Studies Kristin E. Yarris has just published her book, Care Across Generations, with Stanford University Press.
Global inequalities make it difficult for parents in developing nations to provide for their children. Some determine that migration in search of higher wages is their only hope. Many studies have looked at how migration transforms […]

Study finds microfinance can help, even if goals aren’t met

Pictured is Erin Beck.

Editor’s Note: Erin Beck is a long-time CSWS affiliate and co-coordinator of the CSWS Américas Research Interest Group.
Source: Study finds microfinance can help, even if goals aren’t met | Around the O
August 7, 2017—UO political scientist Erin Beck thinks development organizations aren’t asking the right questions if they want to truly understand what the money […]

New Book by Kristin Yarris: Care Across Generations

Pictured is Kristin Yarris.

Care Across Generations: Solidarity and Sacrifice in Transnational Families by CSWS faculty affiliate Kristin E. Yarris is due out in August from Stanford University Press. An assistant professor in the UO Department of International Studies, Yarris has been an active member of the CSWS Narrative Health and Social Justice Research Interest Group.
From the publisher: “Global […]

Monique Balbuena: Book award shines a light on the diversity of Jewish culture

Pictured is Minique Balbuena.

Editor’s Note: Monique Balbuena is a CSWS faculty affiliate.
June 7, 2017—“University of Oregon Clark Honors College professor Monique Balbuena was recognized by the Jewish Book Council for her most recent work,  Homeless Tongues: Poetry and Languages of the Sephardic Diaspora.
“Balbuena’s book was a finalist in the category of Sephardic culture for the National Jewish Book […]

Mary Kathryn Nagle, “Sovereignty in the Law, Sovereignty in Our Stories”

[ November 17, 2017; 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm. ] Knight Library
Browsing Room
1501 Kincaid St.
UO campus

Mary Kathryn Nagle: “Sovereignty in the Law, Sovereignty in Our Stories”

Mary Kathryn Nagle is a renowned lawyer and playwright in Indian Country. She is a partner at Pipestem Law, a law firm specializing in sovereignty of Native tribes and peoples. In 2013 she authored an amicus brief for the famous […]