Category: Publications

The Truly Diverse Faculty: New Dialogues in American Higher Education, a new book coedited by Ernesto Martínez

The Truly Diverse Faculty: New Dialogues in American Higher Education
coedited by Stephanie Fryberg and Ernesto Javier Martínez (Palgrave MacMillan, October 2014, 320 pp)
Publisher’s synopsis
“Many universities in the twenty-first century claim ‘diversity’ as a core value, but fall short in transforming institutional practices. The disparity between what universities claim as a value and what they accomplish […]

Interpreting Islam, Modernity, and Women’s Rights in Pakistan — a new book by Anita Weiss

Interpreting Islam, Modernity, and Women’s Rights in Pakistan (Palgrave Macmillan, October 2014) is the latest book by Anita M. Weiss, professor and head, UO Department of International Studies. Professor Weiss is a long-time CSWS faculty affiliate.
Publisher’s synopsis
“In Pakistan, myriad constituencies are grappling with reinterpreting women’s rights. This book analyzes the Government of Pakistan’s construction of […]

An Interview with CSWS Director Michael Hames-García

Michael Hames-García / photo by Ernesto Javier Martínez
Editor’s Note: This is a full-length version of the interview that appears in shorter form in the 2014 CSWS Annual Review.
By Jenée Wilde, PhD Candidate, UO Department of English (Folklore)
Michael Hames-García is a professor in the Department of Ethnic Studies at University of Oregon. Originally from Portland, he […]

2014 CSWS Annual Review Now Available

If you are a CSWS faculty affiliate, research interest group member, supporter, contributor, or UO administrator, the 2014 CSWS Annual Review will be landing soon in your mailbox. You can also access this 28-page publication online now.
2014 CSWS Annual Review Contents

An Interview with Michael Hames-García, Director, CSWS

Special Section: Collaborative Research

The Collaboration Continuum, by Michael Hames-García
Collaboration […]

Humans not guilty in shaping chimpanzee, bonobo behavior

Frances White
Humans not guilty in shaping chimpanzee, bonobo behavior | Media Relations.
UO’s Frances White and doctoral student are part of international team that analyzed behavior patterns of the two African apes.
EUGENE, Ore. — Sept. 17, 2014 — Human encroachment has not turned chimpanzees and bonobos into warmongers bent on violence and infanticide as many people […]

Fembot’s September BAD Interview: Technomobility in China

September 5, 2014—Books Aren’t Dead: Technomobility in China: Young Migrant Women and Mobile Phones
In this month’s BAD interview, Fan Mai (Ph.D. Candidate, University of Virginia) talks with Cara Wallis (Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University), author of Technomobility in China (New York University Press, 2013).

Fembot is a special project of the UO Center for the Study of […]