Category: Latino/a and Latin American Studies

Visiting Criminologist Examines Feminicide and Gender Violence along the U.S.-Mexico Border in UO Talk

Dr. Bejarano
February 28, 2012—Speaking “first and foremost as a social activist,” New Mexico criminologist and university professor Cynthia Bejarano examined the unsolved murders of girls and women in the region of Ciudad Juárez-El Paso before a gathering of more than 80 students and faculty at the UO Knight Library. Bejarano showed images of some of […]

War and Memory: Bearing witness to loss in everyday life

[ October 18, 2012 to October 20, 2012. ]

University of Oregon School of Law Symposium
Keynote: Arturo Arias, University of Texas, Department of Spanish and Portuguese

Symposium website

Political violence, state terror, exceptionalism, and the traumatic effects of war are subjects of vibrant interdisciplinary debate. Social historians, anthropologists, scholars of humanitarian intervention, forced migration, international criminal law, literary critics, and documentary film-makers have long been concerned […]

“Whatever Happened to Zulay?”—a documentary film by Sharon Sherman

[ April 12, 2012; 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. ] 115 Lawrence Hall
1190 Franklin Blvd.
UO campus
Free Film Showing
Whatever Happened to Zulay? An Otavaleña’s Journey is the story of a remarkable Ecuadoran woman who went through several life changes and maintained some continuity in her life, a continuity that made her successful in a new world, and surprisingly, at the same time remain attached to her […]

Fighting Impunity in National Courts: Human Rights & Transitional Justice in Latin America

[ March 1, 2012; 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm. ] Knight Library, Browsing Room
1501 Kincaid St.
UO campus

This talk addresses critical issues in the efforts to bring to court human rights violators in Latin America. It discusses two types of national courts litigation: first, when litigation is available in the country where the crime occurred; and second and most commonly, when litigation takes place in third […]