Category: Research

Celebrating Research: CSWS Faculty Affiliates

[ May 3, 2018; 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm. ] Erb Memorial Union
Crater Lake North
CSWS Faculty Affiliates at the University of Oregon

Celebrating Research 2018
Alphabetical Listing of Faculty with Book & Documentary Film Publications 2014-2018
sponsored by the Center for the Study of Women in Society in conjunction with the Office of the Provost and Academic Affairs

Monique Balbuena (Robert D. Clark Honors College)
Homeless Tongues: Poetry and […]

On the Frontlines of the Gig Economy: Organizing Taxi Workers under Ubernomics

[ May 2, 2018; 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. May 3, 2018; 7:00 pm to 7:30 pm. ] Portland
7 pm Wednesday, May 2
SEIU 503 Hall, 401 SE Foster Rd.

7 p.m. Thursday, May 3
Ford Alumni Center
1720 E. 13th Ave.

Featuring Bhairavi Desai, executive director and found member of the New York Taxi Workers Alliance

[caption id="attachment_28739" align="alignleft" width="188"] Bhairavi Desai[/caption]

Bhairavi Desai is executive director and founding member of the New York Taxi Workers Alliance. The NYTWA is […]

“Bourgeois Extreme: Genre and Global Flows,” a talk by Sangita Gopal

[ May 11, 2018; 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm. ] 300 Villard Hall
1109 Old Campus Lane
University of Oregon

Sangita Gopal, associate professor of cinema studies, will present a talk entitled “Bourgeois Extreme: Genre and Global Flows” as part of the Department of Comparative Literature’s “What Matters To Me” series on Friday, May 11, at 4:00 p.m.

Professor Gopal teaches in the Department of Cinema Studies, the Department […]

Workshop: Get a Life, PhD — led by Tanya Golash-Boza

Pictured is Tanya Golash-Boza.

[ April 6, 2018; 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. ] Jane Grant Conference Room
Hendricks Hall 330
1408 University St.
By invitation only

A CSWS Work Life Balance event
In this workshop, Tanya Golash-Boza will explain how it is possible to both have a life and be a productive academic. Drawing from her own experience as well as research on creativity and productivity, Professor Golash-Boza will discuss how to […]

Professors Kristin Yarris & Rhacel Parrenas to discuss Yarris’s recent book

Pictured is Kristin Yarris.

[ March 7, 2018; 10:30 am to 11:30 am. ] Jane Grant Conference Room
330 Hendricks Hall
1408 University St.
UO campus

Please mark your calendars March 7 at 10:30 am for a discussion of Professor Kristin Yarris’s book, Care Across Generations: Solidarity and Sacrifice in Transnational Families, published by Stanford University Press.

This will be a discussion between Professor Rhacel Parrenas, visiting from the University of Southern California, and Professor […]

CLLAS Symposium “Justice Across Borders: Gender, Race and Migration in the Americas”

Pictured is a historic map of North America and the West Indies.

[ March 8, 2018; ] Events take place at:
Knight Library, Browsing Room
and Gerlinger Lounge
Time: 9 am to 7:30 pm
Free & open to the public

For the full schedule, go to: “Justice Across Borders: Gender, Race and Migration in the Americas”

Our thematic line of inquiry this year: America, Bridge Between Oceans poses the following questions: What happens when we put the Atlantic world […]