Category: Research

UO Doctoral Student Offers PowerPoint Presentation on Educational Reform

Fig. 1: (Source: /AcademicandBehaviorTriangle.gif)
Under the current austerity regime forced on school districts by lack of tax revenue, imagining a more equitable school system that respects individuals may seem out of step with the business oriented forces at work in U.S. education policy. But Shelley Jensen thinks there is no time like the present to […]

Stretched Thin—Book About Welfare Reform Written by UO Researchers Is Up for Prestigious Award

Authors Sandra Morgen (left), Joan Acker, and Jill Weigt.
A book about poor families and welfare written by three feminist scholars—an anthropologist and two sociologists—is a finalist for the prestigious C. Wright Mills Award from the Society for the Study of Social Problems. Stretched Thin: Poor Families, Welfare Work, and Welfare Reform was written by Sandra […]

Former CSWS Grant Recipient Makes WAVES

Editor’s Update: Homefront Heroines reached its funding goal on June 29
June 2011—Kathleen M. Ryan, Ph.D., received a CSWS graduate student research grant in 2007 while working on her doctorate in the University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication. Her project, “When Flags Flew High: Propaganda, Memory and Oral History for World War II Female […]

CSWS Noon Talk: “The One Laptop Per Child Project in Ghana,” Leslie Steeves

[ May 30, 2012; 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm. ] Jane Grant Rm
330 Hendricks
1408 University St.

“Technology, Gender and Education for Development: The One Laptop Per Child Project in Ghana”

Leslie Steeves, Professor, UO School of Journalism and Communication, will talk about her research and show a clip from her documentary-in-progress.

“The Tempest, Europe, & Maritime Modernity”—Ania Loomba

[ May 21, 2012; 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. ] Alumni Lounge
Gerlinger Hall
1468 University St.

A free public lecture by Professor Ania Loomba, University of Pennsylvania. Professor Loomba researches and teaches early modern literature, histories of race and colonialism, postcolonial studies, feminist theory, and contemporary Indian literature and culture. She holds the Catherine Bryson Chair in the English Department and is the author of Colonialism/ Postcolonialism and Shakespeare, […]

The Impact of Microfinance on Women’s Empowerment in Bolivia

[ May 17, 2012; 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm. ] [caption id="attachment_6963" align="alignright" width="194" caption="Alejandra Garcia helps facilitate a focus group session with microfinance clients in Bolivia."][/caption]

Hendricks Hall
Frazier Hearth Rm
UO campus
A Center for Latino/a & Latin American Studies (CLLAS) Grantee Presentation:
Alejandra García Diaz Villamil (PPPM)

How have communal banks in Bolivia impacted the empowerment of women entrepreneurs, particularly in terms of decision-making, leadership, participation in community […]