Category: Research

Daniel HoSang: Research Matters Spring 2011

Reproductive Justice on the Ballot by Daniel HoSang, Assistant Professor, University of Oregon, Departments of Ethnic Studies and Political Science
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Daniel HoSang’s paper is now available online in the Spring 2011 issue of CSWS Research Matters. The UO Center for the Study of Women in Society supported research related […]

Salmon Is Everything

[ May 19, 2011 8:00 pm to June 4, 2011 8:00 pm. ] The Play: May 20 – June 4, 2011
Miller Theatre Complex
University of Oregon; Eugene, OR
UO Ticket office: (541) 346-4363
The story of the 2002 Fish Kill must be told again and again … and be remembered….
[caption id="attachment_8854" align="alignright" width="210" caption="Klamath River"][/caption]

A community-based play about the Klamath River Watershed developed by members of the Karuk, Hupa, and Yurok […]

New Book on Gay Latino Studies

Gay Latino Studies: A Critical Reader
edited by Michael Hames-García  and Ernesto Javier Martínez
Duke University Press
(April 2011)
384 pages
Michael Hames-García is professor of Ethnic Studies at UO. Ernesto Javier Martínez is assistant professor of Ethnic Studies and of Women’s and Gender Studies at UO. Both are CSWS faculty affiliates.
Publisher’s Synopsis
Ernesto Martínez Lecture

“Whatever Happened to Zulay?”—a documentary film by Sharon Sherman

[ April 12, 2012; 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. ] 115 Lawrence Hall
1190 Franklin Blvd.
UO campus
Free Film Showing
Whatever Happened to Zulay? An Otavaleña’s Journey is the story of a remarkable Ecuadoran woman who went through several life changes and maintained some continuity in her life, a continuity that made her successful in a new world, and surprisingly, at the same time remain attached to her […]

Gender, Race, Culture, History Colloquium

[ April 6, 2012; 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm. ] McKenzie Hall 229
1101 Kincaid St.
UO campus
“Re-enacting Race, Re-enacting Gender: Crossdressing & Embodied Memories of Terror”
A talk by Dr. Mark Auslander
Professor of Anthropology & Museum Studies, Central Washington University

Dr. Melissa Stuckey, UO Professor, History
Dr. Robert Thompson, OSU Professor, Ethnic Studies
Dr. Aletta Biersack, UO Professor, Anthropology

The event is sponsored by the Center for the Study of Women […]

Negotiating Human Subject Protocols: From the Practical to the Philosophical

[ April 6, 2012; 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm. ] Erb Memorial Union
Alsea/Coquille Rms
UO campus
IRB Roundtable: A Short Presentation and Q&A for Graduate Students

Lisa Gilman, associate professor, UO Department of English and Folklore Program
Lise Nelson, associate professor, UO Department of Geography

Designed for graduate students or other scholars new to human subjects research, this panel will examine the philosophical and practical dimensions of human subjects protocols […]