Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology | Issue 7, February 2015
Ada is a publication of Fembot, which is a special project of the UO Center for the Study of Women in Society.
Editors: Carol Stabile (University of Oregon) and Radhika Gajjala (Bowling Green State University). We invite contributions to a peer-reviewed open […]
Category: Fembot
Schools of Shame Map (SOS-Map) | Fembot Collective
Schools of Shame Map (SOS-Map) | Fembot Collective.
This map lists universities in the US that need help addressing sexual violence: all of them.
“The problem of sexual violence on college campuses was very much on Fembot Collective members Hye-Jin Lee and Carol Stabile’s minds when they met at the Console-ing Passions Conference in Columbia, Missouri in […]
Author of “Lifestyle Politics and Radical Activism” Interviewed
Fembot’s Books Aren’t Dead (BAD) interview for May 2014 is now available on the Fembot website. In this BAD interview Magdalena Olszanowski (Ph.D. Candidate, Concordia University) talks with Laura Portwood-Stacer (Visiting Assistant Professor, New York University), author of Lifestyle Politics and Radical Activism (Bloomsbury Press, 2013).
You can listen to this interview at:
Both the podcast […]
Karma R. Chávez Interview Featured in Fembot’s “Books Aren’t Dead”
Fembot’s Books Aren’t Dead (BAD) interview for April 2014 is now available on the Fembot website. In this BAD interview Magie Ramírez (Ph.D. Candidate, University of Washington) talks with Karma R. Chávez (Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison), author of Queer Migration Politics: Activist Rhetoric and Coalitional Possibilities (Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2013).
You can […]
Ms. Fembot Edit-a-Thon + Hack-a-Thon
[ March 6, 2015; ]
Fembot is a CSWS Special Project.
Join Us! For the Ms. Fembot Edit-a-Thon + Hack-a-Thon
Friday, March 6, 2015 and Saturday, March 7, 2015
Sign up for the edit-a-thon online:
Writers, researchers, coders, students: have you ever gone to Wikipedia looking for information about women, trans, and/or gender non-conforming scientists, writers, scholars, filmmakers, artists, activists, politicians, and others, […]
Shannon Elizabeth Bell Interviewed for Fembot’s Books Aren’t Dead Podcast
Fembot’s February Books Aren’t Dead (BAD) interview couldn’t come at a more important time, especially in light of last month’s Elk River chemical spill in Charleston, West Virginia.
In this BAD interview Sue Dockstader (MS, University of Oregon) talks with Shannon Bell (assistant professor, University of Kentucky), author of Our Roots Run Deep as Ironweed: Appalachian […]