Category: Women’s Rights

Black Lives Matter

A demonstrator protesting the shooting death of Alton Sterling is detained by law enforcement near the headquarters of the Baton Rouge Police Department in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, U.S. July 9, 2016.

A demonstrator protesting the shooting death of Alton Sterling is detained by law enforcement near the headquarters of the Baton Rouge Police Department in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, U.S. July 9, 2016. © Jonathan Bachman / Reuters
The Center for the Study of Women in Society affirms that Black Lives Matter and condemns the recent murders of […]

Five projects receive 2016-17 CSWS Research Interest Group Innovation Grants

Researcher Lynn Stephen speaks at a seminar in Guatemala in 2015.

“2016-17 CSWS Research Interest Group Innovation Grants”
Researcher Lynn Stephen speaks at a seminar in Guatemala in 2015.
A research project that focuses on gender justice in Guatemala is among several collaborative projects recently awarded funding by the UO Center for the Study of Women in Society. This dramatic project combines research with activism and immediately draws […]

CSWS faculty affiliate Gina Herrmann’s research gives voice to women activists jailed in wartime

Pictured is Gina Herrmann.

Editor”s Note: CSWS faculty affiliate Gina Herrmann, associate professor, romance languages, received a 2015-16 CSWS Faculty Research Grant for  her research “Spanish Women in the French Resistance and Ravensbruck” and a 2009-10 CSWS Faculty Research Grant for “Voices of the Vanquished: Spanish Republican Women in War and Prison.” Her research recently earned Herrmann a fellowship […]

Immigration Law Speaker Series: Abigail Molina

[ April 6, 2016; 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm. ]

Room 141
UO School of Law
Knight Law Center

Abigail Molina is an immigration law attorney in Eugene, Oregon, who represents clients seeking defense from deportation, applications for citizenship, and petitions for humanitarian immigration relief. She will discuss women & children and incarceration on the southwestern border.

Sponsored by the Career Center and Michelle McKinley, Bernard B. Kliks Associate […]

“Sexual Violence at College: From Betrayal and Inequality to Research and Action”

[ April 13, 2016; 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm. ] Lawrence
Room 115


In collaboration with Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Psi Chi will host Jennifer M. Gómez, a Ford Fellow and doctoral candidate in Professor Jennifer Freyd’s Dynamics Lab in the Department of Psychology at UO.

By incorporating oppression and inequality into her research, Gómez has proposed cultural betrayal trauma theory as a way to study diverse […]

Latina Feminists of the Latina/o Theatre Commons

[ April 14, 2016; 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. ] Hope Theatre
1109 Old Campus Lane
University of Oregon campus
FREE! Refreshments at 4:30pm

Latina / Latinx leadership in the arts has transformed since the days of el movimiento! The powerful art, music & teatro of the Chicano Rights movement of the 60s & 70s inspired generations and the changes just keep coming…

Playwrights, directors, theatre makers: Anne García-Romero, Teresa […]