“The program is a major influence on how faculty teach in biology, chemistry and biochemistry, physics, geological sciences and human physiology. SLP-affiliated courses have served 5,554 students in 62 course sections, taught by 30 faculty members. In the 2013-14 academic year alone, more than 10 percent of all UO undergraduate students were enrolled in an SLP course.
“In addition to her crucial role in the SLP, Judith has excelled in her individual teaching since she became an assistant professor at the UO in 1985. Her range of courses is impressively broad, currently ranging from developmental neurobiology to an interdisciplinary honors course on the making of bread.
“In recognition of her achievements in the Science Literacy Program, Judith Eisen is a recipient of a 2015 Thomas F. Herman Award for Excellence in Pedagogy.”
Source: JUDITH EISEN | Around the O