How to Peer-Review Multimodal Content

January 17, 2014
1:00 pmto3:00 pm

Fembot_BannerDigital Scholarship Center
Knight Library
& via Google Hang-Out

The nature of peer review is changing, as authors experiment with new modes of knowledge production. On 17 January 2014, 1-3pm PST, the Fembot Collective will host a workshop that explores how we review and peer edit multimodal content.

The session will be led by Alex Juhasz (Pitzer College, issued editor of Ada, Issue 4: Queer feminist digital media praxis) and Julia Lesage (University of Oregon, editor of Jump Cut: a review of contemporary media).

Please join us either at the Digital Scholarship Center, Knight Library or on our google hangout (RSVP to to participate on google hangout).