Two long-time CSWS faculty affiliates receive Faculty Excellence Awards 

Pictured is Courtney Thorsson.

June 10, 2016—Long-time CSWS faculty affiliates Lisa Gilman and Courtney Thorsson are among 15 recipients of the 2016-17 Faculty Excellence Award. The Faculty Excellence Award is granted through the UO Office of the Provost and Academic Affairs.
The award —“designed to further the university’s commitment to improving its academic quality and reputation by recognizing, supporting and […]

Four selected to receive CSWS Travel Grants

Pictured is Shabnam Akhtari.

June 9, 2016 — CSWS took in a record number of travel grant applications during the spring-term 2016 submission period. Out of 32 UO faculty and graduate applicants, two faculty members and two graduate students were selected to receive CSWS Travel Grants at $400 apiece to support travel related to their professional work.They are Shabnam […]

Five projects receive 2016-17 CSWS Research Interest Group Innovation Grants

Researcher Lynn Stephen speaks at a seminar in Guatemala in 2015.

“2016-17 CSWS Research Interest Group Innovation Grants”
Researcher Lynn Stephen speaks at a seminar in Guatemala in 2015.
A research project that focuses on gender justice in Guatemala is among several collaborative projects recently awarded funding by the UO Center for the Study of Women in Society. This dramatic project combines research with activism and immediately draws […]

Lorwin Series: “Transformative Philanthropy” forum

Pictured are panelists for the Transformative Philanthropy forum.

[ November 9, 2016; 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. ]
Transformative Philanthropy
November 9, 2016
Knight Library
Browsing Room
1501 Kincaid St.
UO campus
Panel: 11 am – 1 pm
Keynote: 6 – 8 pm
Printable poster PDF
The Center for the Study of Women in Society will hold two events on Wednesday, November 9, 2016, as part of the 2016-17 Lorwin Lectureship Series. “Transformative Philanthropy” is a forum focused on the unique and […]

CSWS Graduate Student Coffee Hour: Nov. 7

[ November 7, 2016; 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. ] Jane Grant Conference Rm
330 Hendricks Hall
1408 University St.
printable PDF

Join us for conversation, coffee and Food!  Meet with CSWS director Michelle McKinley, operations manager Dena Zaldúa, and other CSWS staff to learn more about research grants, research interest groups, and other opportunities for graduate students through CSWS. We would also like to hear from you how […]

A report from Andrew Ferguson, 2014-15 Le Guin Feminist Science Fiction Fellow

Andrew Ferguson, Le Guin Fellow
How to Apply for Le Guin Funding 2016-17   Due 9/2/2016
Flyer: Le Guin Feminist Science Fiction Fellowship PDF
When Andrew Ferguson came to campus to explore UO’s superb collection of feminist science fiction, he wasn’t expecting to uncover an original manuscript of Ursula Le Guin’s Tehanu hidden away in the archives. Ferguson, one […]