“G-Men Masculinity: The FBI’s War on Broadcasting,” a CSWS Noon Talk with Carol Stabile

[ January 13, 2016; 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm. ] VENUE CHANGE: Knight Library Collaboration Center, Room 122
1501 Kincaid St., UO campus

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Carol Stabile, interim director of CSWS, will talk about her research, followed by discussion. A professor in the UO School of Journalism and Communication and head of the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies, she is the author of Feminism and the Technological […]

Now Available, Fembot’s ADA, Issue 8: Globalization, Gender and the Digital

From the CSWS Fembot Special Project
We are delighted to announce the publication of Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology, Issue 8, Globalization, Gender and the Digital, edited by Roopika Risam. Please share with your lists, tweet, post, and pin.

Issue Introduction: Globalization, Gender and the Digital, by Roopika Risam [@roopikarisam]
#digitalhumanities, #gender, #globalization, #intersectionality, […]

Q&A with Carol Stabile, interim director of CSWS – Research and Innovation News

From the UO Office of the Vice President of Research & Innovation, an interview with Carol Stabile in the enewsletter Research and Innovation News.
Carol Stabile, professor of journalism and communication, was recently appointed interim director of the Center for the Study of Women in Society.
Source: Q&A with Carol Stabile, interim director of CSWS – Research […]

Marjorie Woollacott, “Infinite Awareness: The Awakening of a Scientific Mind,” book event

[ November 4, 2015; 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm. November 19, 2015; 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. ] 1st location: Knight Library, Browsing Room
1501 Kincaid St., UO campus
2nd location: White Stag Building, Portland


Marjorie Woollacott, UO Department of Human Physiology, is a member of the CSWS Healing Arts Research Interest Group. A neuroscientist, she has been the director of the Motor Control Lab at the University of Oregon since 1980. She will talk about […]

Salmon Is Everything: Chosen as Book of the Year by Humboldt State University

Theresa May
Source: Book of the Year | Library | Humboldt State University
Humboldt State University has chosen UO theatre professor Theresa May’s 2014 book Salmon Is Everything (OSU Press) as its 2015 / 2016 Book of the Year.
Humboldt State has a National Science Foundation (NSF) STEM grant for curriculum around the Klamath River, and Dr. May’s […]

Spiderwoman Theater: Bringing Light to Native American and Women’s Issues | KLCC

Muriel Miguel
Muriel Miguel is director and co-founder of Spiderwoman Theater Company, the oldest Native women’s theater ensemble in North America. She speaks with Eric Alan about using theater and storytelling to shed light on issues such as violence against women, and gay and lesbian relationships in Native nations. She was in residence at the UO […]