Author: alicee

“Latinas and Citizenship in Oregon”: an essay by Marcela Mendoza

“Latinas and Citizenship in Oregon”
Author(s): Marcela Mendoza
Oregon Historical Quarterly, Vol. 113, No. 3 (Fall 2012), pp. 444-451
Published by: Oregon Historical Society
Abstract: Marcela Mendoza considers the relationship between family and citizenship in Oregon’s Latino community, particularly by looking at how women’s work both maintains the continuity of cultural heritage and facilitates settlement into new communities. Drawing […]

CSWS Noon Talk: Karyn Lewis on Women in STEM

[ April 24, 2013; 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm. ] 330 Hendricks
Jane Grant Rm
1408 University
UO campus

Read the Around the O story
“When Hard Work Doesn’t Pay Off: Exploring Self-Perceptions to Understand the Underrepresentation of Women in STEM”
Karyn Lewis is a Ph.D. candidate in the UO Department of Psychology. She received a 2010 CSWS graduate student research grant for her work on this research.
From the 2012 CSWS […]

Fembot Jam Session 1: An Unconference on Feminist Multimodal Publishing and Collaboration

[ February 9, 2013 to February 10, 2013. ] a
White Stag Building
Portland, Oregon
The draft schedule for the Fembot Jam Session 1: an unconference on feminist multimodal publishing is now available:  <>. The final topic schedule and room locations will be determined each day. The empty slots will be filled in by you. Please come with ideas and topics ready to share!
Slightly over a year […]

Karma Chávez — “Queer Fields, Queer Methods: Advancing an Activist Research Methodology”

[ May 23, 2013; 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm. ] Knight Library
Browsing Room
1501 Kincaid St.
UO campus
Public Lecture: “Queer Fields, Queer Methods: Advancing an Activist Research Methodology”
Given all the critiques of queer theory and queerness that have emerged in recent years, including pronouncements of queer theory’s impending demise, what’s the good in thinking about queer methodologies now? How should those invested in queer approaches and activist […]

Romani (Gypsy) Women and Activism: Challenges and Opportunities

[ May 24, 2013; 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm. ] [caption id="attachment_16536" align="alignright" width="250"] “Do not sterilize our women” (Czech Republic, 2008).[/caption]

204 Condon
1321 Kincaid
UO campus
Department of Anthropology Colloquium
Romani (Gypsy) Women and Activism: Challenges and Opportunities
Professor Angela Kocze is a visiting Fulbright Fellow in Women’s and Gender Studies at Wake Forest University. She holds a PhD in anthropology (2011) from Central European University.

Roma, Europe’s largest minority […]

CSWS-funded project takes a close look at traditional Western discourse surrounding female genital cutting

Who Defines “Mutilation”? Challenging Imperialism in the Discourse of Female Genital Cutting
Courtney Smith (back row, center)
by Courtney Smith / From: Feminist Formations / Volume 23, Issue 1, Spring 2011 /pp. 25-46 | 10.1353/ff.2011.0009
See also: global.gender.current » Blog Archive » Unpacking female body “mutilation” in Senegal and the U.S.
Courtney Smith received a CSWS Graduate Student Research Grant […]