Schools of Shame Map (SOS-Map) | Fembot Collective

FembotWebBanner1Schools of Shame Map (SOS-Map) | Fembot Collective.

This map lists universities in the US that need help addressing sexual violence: all of them.

“The problem of sexual violence on college campuses was very much on Fembot Collective members Hye-Jin Lee and Carol Stabile’s minds when they met at the Console-ing Passions Conference in Columbia, Missouri in April 2014. After their meeting and a long stormy drive back home, Hye-Jin decided that prospective students and their parents should have better information about sexual assaults, so she took the US News and World Report’s College Rankings and provided information based on Clery Act data on campus sexual assaults for each institution.” For the full article, go to the Fembot website. Fembot is a CSWS special project.