Category: Faculty affiliates

Dr. Lynn Stephen’s book “We are the Face of Oaxaca” chosen for national award

March 11, 2015—A book authored by Professor Lynn Stephen, director, UO Center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies, has been named the recipient of the 2015 Delmos Jones and Jagna Scharff Memorial Book Award from the Society for the Anthropology of North America. We are the Face of Oaxaca: Testimony and Social Movements (Duke University […]

Goodman named a fellow of the Institute for Advanced Study

Goodman named a fellow of the Institute for Advanced Study | Around the O.
Bryna Goodman, professor, UO Department of History, is a CSWS faculty affiliate.

Anthropology Professor Lynn Stephen Receives Two Significant Professional Awards

Lynn Stephen / photo by Jack Liu
February 4, 2015—UO anthropologist Lynn Stephen has received two significant professional national and international awards. In March of 2015 she will give the Michael Kearney Memorial Lecture at the meetings of the Society for Applied Anthropology in Pittsburgh. The award is for an outstanding scholar whose presentation will explore […]

Science envoy Richmond now in Southeast Asia on official visit

January 7, 2015—Science envoy Richmond now in Southeast Asia on official visit | Around the O.

Geri Richmond is making stops in Thailand and Vietnam this month in her first official trip as a U.S. science envoy.
Richmond, a UO chemistry professor and Presidential Chair, was among four science envoys named Dec. 4 by the U.S. State […]

Our Caribbean Kin: Race and Nation in the Neoliberal Antilles—a new book by Alaí Reyes-Santos

The research for this new book by Alaí Reyes-Santos, assistant professor, Department of Ethnic Studies, was supported in part by a CSWS Faculty Research Grant.
Our Caribbean Kin: Race and Nation in the Neoliberal Antilles, by Alaí Reyes-Santos
(Rutgers University Press, November 2014) 232 pages
Publisher’s synopsis
“Beset by the forces of European colonialism, US imperialism, and neoliberalism, the […]

Three CSWS affiliates receive UO Fund for Faculty Excellence Awards

Three CSWS faculty affiliates have been named recipients of the University of Oregon Fund for Faculty Excellence Awards for AY 2014-15. They are among 13 UO faculty members chosen for this award.
The three are CSWS advisory board member Elizabeth Reis, professor and head, Department of Women’s and Gender Studies; Lynn Stephen, professor, Department of Anthropology, […]